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Signing Papers

Posted on Sat Apr 3rd, 2010 @ 12:21am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commodore Edward Fannin

556 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: current


Walking into the Command Center of SB Typhon, Eberhard Lindfels and Ludwig Heinkel go through the security checks an make their way to the Captain's Ready Room and hit the chime.


The Duke and his companion walk into the ready room. "Captain." Eberhard said with a tilt of his head. "Let me introduce you to Ludwig Heikel. He was working on that Venture program I was telling you about." Ludwig spoke up, "Captain it is a pleasure to meet you." Eberhard the said "I do believe we have some paperwork to hammer out?"

"Yes, A pleasure to meet you Herr Heikel. Please have a seat. Your paperwork has been completed and ready for your approval. You shall see that it describes issues of understanding with the Federation including lease of the land and your rights under that lease. You are bound by all Federation laws. In addition starfleet shall be the overseer of the function of law in your area."

"That would be perfectly acceptable Captain." Eberhard says while looking over the selected PADDS, "Will it be Starfleet Security or the Marines from the Base? Neither is a problem, just curious."

"Actually I have requested a provost to assist you planet side. The provost shall arrive soon an is an expert at civic structures for law enforcement needs from a small settlement to a large city. The Provost shall train and hire officers as needed for the needs and population you have and will grow with your community. I saw no need for Marines to enforce common laws in peaceful areas. Just to expensive and oppressive I thought."

"That it is my Captain." Eberhard said, then switched the subject. "I have just finished talking with some of the other sponsors and we have decided on a name for our settlement. In honor of the Roman Emperor Tiberius, the settlement shall be called Raetia. Raetia was one of the conquest's of that Roman Emperor. Also, Ludwig here has a request for you as well."

"Yes Captain." Ludwig said. "As the Duke here has stated, my small company and I will be living on this colony, and from time to time we will be requiring some materials for the Stinger Project that will not be available on-world or we don't want to get it from Damron City. What I am asking is for a little logistical support when I can't wait for material from Utopia Planetia Shipyards." Ludwig finished.

"I'm sure that can be arranged either with Fleet support or one of our private contractors."

"That'll be fine with me sir." Ludwig said. Then Eberhard added, "Well Captain. I do believe that concludes our business. Unless you have anything else?"

"Outstanding, I wish you luck and will introduce you to your provost as soon as he or she arrives"

"Excellent Captain. It should be a couple of weeks before the first transport arrives so in the meantime I suggest we should celebrate in the traditional way, a nice formal dinner and dance, all your senior officers will be invited of course. My sponsors treat...Of course if you give us permission..."

"Sounds great, my crew deserves a break from the stress"

Eberhard Lindfels, Duke of Württemberg
Chief Administrator
Raetia Colony (NPC by Wilhelm)

Ludwig Heinkel
Head Researcher
Reatia Colony / Heinkel Flugzeugwerke Inc. (NPC by Wilhelm)


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