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Checking In

Posted on Fri Apr 2nd, 2010 @ 6:39pm by Captain Anna Johnson & Commodore Edward Fannin

517 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: After Shop Talk (to be posted)

Anna had been reviewing reports, sending out people to handle operations issues on the station, and had just finished brewing a fresh pot of coffee. Making sure it was in a thermal container she grabbed the rest after pouring herself a cup then started another pot. She then headed over to Fannin's office for discussion of the 'state of the station.' Anna was finishing one of her double shifts and was tired but did her best not to show it as she stepped through the doors and nodded toward the yeoman behind the desk.

Yeoman James nodded to the commander and waved her into the captains office.. Edward was getting ready to head for the bridge and a planned and afternoon of inspecting the the ship... "Hi Anna, looks like your ready for a nap"

Anna handed him the thermos, "I'm finishing up a double shift. I still have a couple of hours left on it." Anna said taking a sip of her own coffee. "Thought I'd come by so we could do our command talk before I left."

"Good, I did want to mention I'll be hosting and informal dinner in a few days at my quarters for the senior staff. Just a small informal get together. Feel free to bring any guests you like."

"I'll see if Jana wants to come. Is there anything I need to bring along?" Anna asked.

"Nope, all being brought in for us."

"Very well then. Is there anything else I need to know about?" Anna asked then took another sip of coffee.

"I have had a meeting with a gentlemen who will be starting a small settlement soon and has picked out some prime ground for his needs. Haven't heard from him since though. Other than that things are fairly quiet here. The USS Wasp and Captain Nash has arrived, he may need some assistance."

"If he needs any supplies I will see to it they make it on board his ship before it leaves." Anna said with a nod.

"Great, I'll be around for a few shifts so get some rest and Take a few days off. Your staff is very well trained and capable. A day off would be good."

"A day off? What's that?" Anna said with a grin. "Thank you Edward but I'm here if you need me for anything."

"Good, rest up a bit and enjoy some down time."

Anna nodded and hid a yawn, "Enjoy the coffee I brought you then and I just put a fresh pot on in my office if you need more feel free to have Miss James go there and get it for you instead of replicating or making more." She said. "If there is nothing else we need to discuss I'll head out." Anna said standing and extending her hand.

Fannin took her hand and watched as she departed the room. He hoped she would find some time for herself and her Sister over the next few days.


Captain Edward Fannin
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief Of Operations/Acting XO
Starbase Typhon


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