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The Colonel runs into an Engineer...

Posted on Sun Apr 4th, 2010 @ 5:58am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

1,272 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Replimat
Timeline: 0300 current


Wilhelm was having a restless night and decided to go to the replimat and see if they had any interesting new suits. Wearing upscale civilian clothes Wilhelm is a couple of corridors down from the replimat when he turns a corner and accidentally bumps into an attractive looking Trill with shoulder length hair. "My apologies miss..." Wilhelm says in an apologetic voice.

T'var had been sifting through the various replicator programs for the last twenty minutes without finding much of interest. So far everything seemed to be of rather standard designs, and she was looking for some clothing that possessed... spunk. At the academy she hadn't had much time for leisure, but with her new duty hours on the Starbase, she was suddenly left with, what seemed to her, to be an extraordinarily large amount of free time on her hands, and she wanted to look as good as possible during that free time. It would be a welcome change to actually make some friends.

Finally however she gave up and exited the replimat, her mind made p to check out the promenade and see if any of the late night merchants there had any interesting clothes for sale, when, while rounding the corner of a hallway, she slammed into the side of a stocky man coming from the other direction. As T'var stumbled backwards she caught a glimpse of the man's face and a long scar leading from his cheek to his jawbone. And then she landed flat on her back in the hallway, the wind completely knocked out of her sails, her head spinning.

"Ouch..." She moaned as she looked up at the ceiling from her new position on the floor.

Wilhelm reaches down to help and says with a slight German accent, "My apologies miss. Are you all right?"

"Yes... Yes I think so." T'var stood, her face as emotionless as if she had been a full blooded Vulcan. "I didn't see you there, I hope I didn't hurt you...?" She stopped speaking when it quickly became apparent just how silly that had actually sounded. She was the one who had been knocked on her ass after all, not him. She finally cracked a slight smile eying the man. "I believe it's customary that when a man knocks down a lady, he is obligated to tell her his name?"

Wilhelm smiled, "Yes, of course fräulein. Where are my manners. I am Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg," Wilhelm said with a bow "... and who might you be miss?"

T'var returned Wilhelm's smile with her own, "Ensign T'var, at your service." She reached up and felt the back of her head, wincing. "So, where where you headed at this late and unaccommodating hour Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg?"

"Wilhelm or Willi please, when I'm off the clock." Wilhelm quickly and nervously glances down to make sure he is out uniform, then he hopes she didn't catch it. "I was a little restless and thinking of hitting up the replimat and see if they were any new, interesting suits, but I doubt it. I guess I could ask you the same question."

"Well then Willi... Call me T'var. It's worked for me so far" T'var stretched her neck slightly, now satisfied that no permanent damage had been done. "I actually just came from the replimat, nothing new, just the same old basic programs. I'm looking forward to the next update from earth, but even with subspace I guess things still take time. Say..." T'var raised an eyebrow slightly in a decidedly Vulcan fashion. "I was just heading to the Promenade to do some late night shopping, maybe find a bite to eat. Care to join me? It's the least you could do after knocking me over". Her voice was teasing. She liked this man, and after all she had wanted to make some friends.

Wilhelm caught the slight bit of teasing in T'var's voice like a sledgehammer, "Well how can I turn down an offer like that especially when I'm at fault. I know the perfect place for a bite to eat, looks like a hole in the wall but the food is excellent, but shopping first!" Wilhelm said with gusto and a smile and held out his arm in the direction he came from indicating she goes first.

T'var nodded her assent and began walking alongside Wilhelm down the corridor. "So what do you do exactly? I assume you work here on the station?"

"You could say that." Wilhelm said with a smile, "I'm actually the CO of the entire 21st Starfleet Marine Regiment, I'm the boss of every marine on this station. You?"

"Well I'm just an engineering grunt, nothing so exciting as the commander of an entire station of marines! That must be quite some job..." She had to admit it was a little strange, realizing that you were speaking with someone who held such a high position. It wasn't something she was used to in the least. At the academy she had seen a couple of Admirals and the like at lectures and had conversations with the various academy staff, but nothing quite like this informal, even personal, walk down the corridor.

"Ohh it has its ups downs, sometimes I wish I was still just a grunt, not as much responsibility, but it has its perks. So since I assume your new here, what do you think of our station so far." Wilhelm said.

"At least you don't have to climb through the stations air ducts though..." T'var muttered, the image of her dream still fresh in her mind. "However, aside from the ducts, I think the station is magnificent. I couldn't have wished for a better assignment right out of the academy. I mean I get a room! An actual room!" T'var grinned at her companion, she was finding it remarkably easy to leave off her logical mask while talking with this man, and not having to remain in complete control was, T'var found, quite relaxing.

T'var looked up and realized that they had reached the turbolift already. She stopped and motioned for Wilhelm to take the lead, "I seem to have forgotten which deck the promenade is on... will you do the honors?"

"Not a problem..." Wilhelm said as T'var joined him in the confined space of the turbolift. "Interesting perfume she has on...." Wilhelm thought to himself, "These lifts are very user friendly. All you have to say is: Promenade!" Wilhelm said then continued, "I hope you don't get vertigo... You get to see quite a sight..." Wilhelm said as the turbolift moved.

T'var shook her head, "Oh no, no vertigo, although with the advances in inertial dampeners over the last few years, I can't imagine vertigo would be much of a problem for anyone these days... oohh." The Turbolift vaulted up at an incredible speed and T'var felt a slight 'clunk' in her stomach, and then the Turbolift passed up through part of the tube that was entirely transparent, and for the first time T'var got a real glimpse of the station that was to be her home. It was breath taking.

A few moments later however they came to a stop and T'var quite happily stepped out onto what she guessed must be the Promenade. "Ok, so maybe they need to amp up the inertial dampeners on that particular turbolift..."

"Ohh, but that part is usually half the fun I think." Wilhelm looks around at the shops, "Where do you want to start first?"


Ensign T'var
Engineering Officer
SB Typhon

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
21st Marines CO
SB Typhon


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