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Shop Talk

Posted on Sun Apr 4th, 2010 @ 4:01pm by Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Ian Casey

1,247 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Ian's office
Timeline: Before Meeting with Fannin

Anna had gotten a report of a faulty replicator and wanted some time away from the operations console. Grabbing her took kit she made her way to Commander Cassey's office and rang the chime waiting to see if he was in before she just let herself in to fix it.

Ian looked up from the latest report on the maintenance schedule for the Raptors and said, "Enter."

Anna stepped through the doors, "I hear you are having replicator issues." She said with a smile.

"That was fast," Ian said with a smile. "I tried ordering something earlier today and it made a funny noise then quit working altogether." He paused and looked at the woman for a moment before standing up and extending his hand. "Commander Ian Casey."

"Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson." She said taking the hand. "I've been looking for a reason to get away from the ops station for a bit. So I jumped on the opportunity."

"I'm glad you did," William replied. "I'd offer you something to drink, but..." he said, looking at the replicator.

"I'll have it up and running in no time." Anna said removing the panel she frowned at the melted mess, "Well maybe a little time." She said as she started removing damaged parts.

Ian moved to look over her shoulder at the mess that was trying to pass itself off as a replicator. "Anything I can do to help?"

"You can hand me parts I guess." Anna said.

"I could if I knew what was what," Ian said, looking at her tools.

Anna smiled, "Then you can hold this for me to put the damaged parts in."

"This is sad," Ian said as he waited for the damaged parts. "I know my fighters inside and out and yet something like this baffles me."

"I have always loved taking things apart and finding out how they work or making them better. Even when I was a child." Anna said as she placed some of the parts in the container then moved to take out more of the fused pieces.

"I've never been able to do something like that," Ian replied. "Usually when I take something apart I have a few pieces left over after I try putting it back together."

"I had that happen a few times. You get use to it though." Anna said with a smile.

"It's not a good thing when it's a fighter that has the extra parts," Ian said, thinking back. "So what do you do when you aren't performing surgery in piles of garbage?"

"I'm second officer and right now acting xo so that keeps me busy as well. For fun I like to study other languages and spend time with my sister who is living with me here on the base." Anna answered.

"XO, huh?" Ian said, a little surprised. "I did that once. I missed flying though, so I transferred here so I could fly again. Now I spend my spare time in my quarters attempting to play my violin."

"Sounds like it could be fun." Anna said. "Well with me being ops the main difference between it and acting XO is I have more reports to read."

"Reports are evil," Ian replied, glancing at the stack of PADDs on his desk. "I'm not distracting you from the repairs with all my babbling am I? If I am, I can wait till you're finished and we could go get lunch."

"Not at all. I can almost fix one of these things blind folded I've done so many of them." Anna said, "Though we could still grab lunch if you like."

"I don't want to impose but I could use a break," Ian replied with a smile.

"It's not imposing. Everyone has to eat." Anna said.

Ian leaned in to see what Anna was doing to the replicator. "Perhaps, when you have some free time, you can teach me to do that."

"If you think you can do it without leaving spare parts behind sure." Anna teased.

"I don't know if that's possible," Ian said with a smile. "But I'm willing to give it a try."

"Well then if you have time then after lunch you can help me with the next one =." Anna said, "As a few of these went out. I have a couple of more to fix later."

"Just don't expect too much from me," Ian replied honestly. "I'll do what I can though."

"I can always tell you what I'm doing as I do it on the next one and then when I have one again you can try it with me coaching." Anna suggested.

"I can handle that," Ian replied with a smile. "How are you doing on this one?"

"Mainly removing the parts that blew out with new ones. The key is knowing what they are suppose to look like and trusting the tricorder to show the the ones that don't look damaged to the eye." Anna said placing the damaged parts into the container he held as she spoke. Next Anna grabbed her kit with the new parts in it. "Also you obviously have to know what part goes where but as a general rule the wrong part isn't going to fit."

"So I shouldn't use the same philosophy I do when packing," Ian stated. "When I'm packing to move to another post I always say 'If it don't fit, force it'."

"Not if you don't want to have to get more parts no." Anna said with a laugh.

"I promise I'll be careful," Ian replied.

"I'm sure you will. If that is you method of packing to move how often do you end up with broken stuff when you get to your destination?" Anna asked out of curiosity.

"I take extra care with my violin," Ian said. "Other than that it's mainly clothes so it really isn't an issue."

"I can see the violin being something you would want to take care of. My sister guards her guitar and keyboard like that." Anna said.

"When I travel I keep my violin with me at all times," Ian told her. "My other belongings can be replaced easily enough."

"Okay let's test it I think its ready to go," Anna said replacing the panel cover.

"Here goes," Ian replied as he stepped in front of the machine. "Computer, mint tea, hot." He watched as the replicator made a noise and a moment later the cup of tea appeared. He reached down and retrieved the cup, bringing it to his lips for a taste. "The flavor's off but that could just be the recipe. You're a miracle worker," he said to Anna.

"Just doing my job but thanks." Anna said with a smile. "Did you want to grab lunch now?"

"Red-heads are my weakness," Ian said with a smile. "How can I say no?"

~I may have to remember that bit of information,~ Anna thought to herself as she put away the tools, "Great let's go find a place to eat then."

"Know anywhere to get a decent pasta dish?" Ian asked as he led the way to the door.

"There is an Italian restaurant we could go to." Anna said.

"Sounds great," Ian replied with a smile. "After you," he added standing by the door.

Anna nodded and walked out of the office leading the way to lunch.

Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations/Acting XO
Starbase Typhon

Commander Ian Casey
Air Group Commander
Starbase Typhon


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