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Arrival to Typhon

Posted on Sun Apr 4th, 2010 @ 3:27am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Jason Reid

490 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Main bridge / Typhon Control
Timeline: Current


Fannin stood at the view screen, "Commander Jenks please hail the Mimas."

"This is Captain Edward Fannin commanding Officer Starbase Typhon, please identify and state your mission."

"I am Commander Jason Reid of the Starship Mimas. Requesting permission to dock to take on crew and supplies." Jason stated from the center chair of his ship.

"Welcome Commander Reid. You are cleared to dock main door section 5. We are holding all inbound traffic until your bolted down Sir."

"Thank you Sir. Commence docking Ensign." You heard over the comm channel as the starship maneuvered into the docking area.

Things were rolling along very smoothly. Fannin figured the USS Mimas had a passage crew aboard. He stood from his chair and headed for the Main docking bay. Turning over the helm to Flight com staff. He was watching the main hatch access doors several minutes later to greet Commander Reid.

"Judging by the pips on your collar, you must be Captain Fannin. Thank you for having this ship and it's skeleton crew."

Fannin smiled "No problem Commander." Fannin shook Reid's hand. "I hope your trip was uneventful. Always good to start out without any drama I say. There's time for it later."

Jason shook the man's hand back. "So far so good. Well I just need some crew. I only have a skeleton on board. My marine CO is having to do the operations stations of all things."

"Well you have made it here safely that's all that matters. You can work on the crew situation and refit, shouldn't take to long at all."

"Thank you. I am eager to get into strange new worlds."

"Very good then, I'll let you get to it. If your engineers or maintenance section require parts or replication just ask. I have made arrangements for your staff to have some office space for the refit and receiving new arrivals to your crew. It's on deck 14. And your welcome to check into the VIP deck if you care to."

"Thank You. I was going to ask if I could stay on the starbase. But, you just answered my question. I'll check in immediately. How about dinner?" He asked trying to be nice.

"Sounds like a plan I have a private dining room at the officers mess how about 1900 hours"

"1900 it is. I'll see you there. Do you have any one to spare for a starbase tour?"

"I believe Chief Warrant Jame's could spare some time but it would be later in the evening."

"That's fine with me. Thank you for your hospitality. Could I take you on a tour of the Mimas?"

"Absolutely. It's been a while since I was on a Luna."

"Now or after dinner?" He asked with a smile.

"Whatever is good for you Commander."

"Alright. After dinner."

"Good. Then I'll let you get back to your docking."


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Jason Reid
Commanding Officer
USS Mimas


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