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77 Meters and Boring Steady

Posted on Sat Apr 3rd, 2010 @ 7:36pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

331 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Project Nine, Main Tunnel
Timeline: Current


Gene studied the scans brought to him by the engineer. The work was ahead of schedule more track had been fed into the tunnel boring machine and it was moving at Four meters per hour. The main tunnel would be complete in Seven days. The goal was 16oo feet. He looked over to the rather large hole created in the rock face. a 41 foot diameter hole belching dust. The Forum machine preparing to follow it in several hours. The top vent drilling had went well and the first vent shaft would meet the tunnel by tomorrow night. his team was working in three shifts now. Support crews had finished the landing areas and a few barrier walls and intrusion detection devices were being set up. The site should be completely secure in a weeks time on the surface. The replication of the main blast doors was slow work but should be done on time. The warehouses were filling up with tons of cables and computer hardware that would be needed to take the project to the next level.>

Gene turned and handed the plans back to the engineer and nodded his approval. This was a truly beautiful area. So remote and now a mass of workers wearing hardhats and running equipment around the clock. He would be glad when they could move inside the facility and start restoring the exterior to a natural state. Other issues had been several injuries to workers, one very serious. The team doctor was skilled and saved the mans life. But it was a close drawn issue. Gene was going to give the drilling team a few days off after the Main tunnel was complete. Needed to give the plasteel and concrete time to set before they could adjust the boring machine into a vertical drive configuration. It was going to work out well...<?>


Lt. Commander Gene Nance
Project Nine


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