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Meeting the new Bosses

Posted on Sat Apr 3rd, 2010 @ 11:00pm by Commodore Edward Fannin & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

715 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Vip quarters
Timeline: Current


Commander Ray Mars walked towards the VIP quarters. He was hoping to find a Mr. Eberhard Lindfels or Ludwig Heinkel. It seemed they had suites on this deck and he may get lucky. He was dressed in a very conservative Tan business suit and a comfortable pair of size 14 suede dress shoes. Ray always wished to make a good impression with a new client. Usually his sheer size was enough to overpower most people senses. He leaned over and hit the chime.

"NEIN! NEIN! NEIN!" Ludwig was saying to Eberhard in a very heated conversation in rapid-fire German over a PADD with a map on it just outside their suites, not even caring about the passing traffic.

Mars heard the noise and understood enough of the language to see there was a bit of drama going on inside. This time he banged on the door loudly...

Opening the door quickly Eberhard stuck his head out of the door "Ja?"

Commander Ray bowed slightly and spoke. "Greetings, I'm looking for Mr. Lindfels. I'm Provost Marshal Ray from Fleet services and was told to make contact with him."

"Vell you found him! Come on in." Eberhard said still exerted from his argument.

Ray entered the VIP suite cautiously, he observed another man standing at the table and nodded to him.

"So you are to be our 'new sheriff in town' as the saying goes? However, please forgive us such a bad first impression. I am Eberhard Lindfels, over by the table is Ludwig Heinkel." Eberhard said. "So you get to to be our Provost eh?? I assume your qualified?"

"Yes sir, I have been a provost for Nineteen Years. A graduate degree in criminal investigation and resource protection. I have also been assigned as a personal protection agent in embassy services were I began my career."

"A professional bodyguard turned cop...I guess you will have to do then." Eberhard said aristocratically. "It should be a fairly easy assignment for you, your main concern will be to keep an eye on Herr Heinkel's work so he doesn't get any unexpected surprises. Other then that it should be a fairly straightforward assignment. Do you have anything for him Ludwig?" Eberhard said while looking toward Ludwig, "All I need is a DNA profile so he can access to the outer areas of my labs when they are finally setup, but that won't be till later." Ludwig finished.

"I should mention that I'm contracted to the united federation of planets. my immediate supervisor is Commander Drang Darkmoon and Captain Fannin. I shall as always keep an eye on everything. How many inhabitants will be in your settlement and shall I be provided quarters there?"

"That'll be just fine with us Provost. As for population, there will be slow build up to about 2500 then more later the first transport will only have a little over one hundred on it, mostly construction personnel and supplies. I do believe we could provide you with a nice little home. Will your family be joining you? That will decide how big a house to build for you." Eberhard stated.

"I would think a small building as I'll be by myself, and a provost office attached. I'll be providing my own vehicle. Other items I need are on the way Sir. As the population rises I shall appoint deputies to protect the settlement. They shall provide or build there own residences and be members of your community to bond them together."

"That'll be perfect. I do believe that pretty much covers all the bases. Is there anything more we should cover? Eberhard said.

"If you could give me the coordinates and I can get down there and check a few things out."

"Not a problem..." Eberhard said grabbing a spare PADD and typing in coordinates. "It's about 1000 kilometers from Camp Stonebreaker, about 20 km from the a coastline..."

"Thank you for seeing me. I'll be getting some gear and heading down soon to check the area out. You can reach me through the bridge. My Call sign is Provost Mars."


Eberhard Lindfels, Duke of Württemberg
Chief Administrator
Raetia Colony (NPC by Wilhelm)

s-o4.pngLt. Commander Ray Mars, NPC

Provost Marshal Raetia Colony


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