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Adamo's Christmas Eve Dinner

Posted on Sat Dec 26th, 2009 @ 5:50pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

251 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Private Dinning Room
Timeline: 12/24/2386


Fannin was dressed in his best dark Suit as he entered Adamo's, He had recieved a special invatation from the owner to attend "cena di magro". It was the Christmas celebration meal observed by all true sons of Italy.

The private dinning room was beautiful and several close friends and family of the owner were there. The Seven course meal began with Tortellini and salads of every kind. Thick toasted breads and glasses of sweet wine. Edward seldom having any family experiences enjoyed the family company, he craved it for years. The meal lasted for several hours and he listened to the stories of these people sometimes laughing, sometimes very sad. They excepted him as he was, not for who he was. It was home for him.

After a sad and almost tearful goodbye he left the diner Five pounds heavier than he arrived, or so Edward felt. He walked along the arboretum and marveled at the Flowers that had been placed. It was late on the Second watch, A few couples out for a romantic nightly walk. He notice his security team was getting better. It took him a few minutes but located them pushing a Baby carriage along... He wondered if they had a baby. He made it back to his quarters and did some light reading and reviewed some watch reports. Things were running far better than he deserved so far on this assignment. He hoped that wouldn't change.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon


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