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Fruitcakes, Part I

Posted on Sat Dec 26th, 2009 @ 10:25pm by Commander Lucas Jackson

231 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Cargo Bay 43, Deck 72
Timeline: Current

Cody, the Chief Botanist looked down at the PADD. Looking back up, he addressed a man dressed in robes. "So, these are the health papers?"

The old man began to speak, "Yes, Sir! All of the fruit has been signed off as healthy and safe to eat."

"And by whom was this?" inquired the Chief Botanist.

"By my planet's own health administration!" the old man began to raise his voice. "Do you dare question the work of myself and our health administration? I should write you up! What's your name, boy?!"

Lieutenant Esposito became somewhat frantic; he wasn't trying to cause any trouble. "No, no, no. I'm just making sure the fruit was signed off by someone legit, which you seem to be. There are a lot of people aboard this starbase...It is my job as the Chief Botanist to make sure none of the grown foods that they eat are contaminated."

"Well, I assure you...Chief Botanist, that there would be no such contamination. Now, I would like my payment."

The lieutenant gave a small chuckle. "You sure are a quick dealer...As for your payment, here is 2,000 credits." Cody handed the old man the money. "I will make sure these crates of fruit get distributed to their proper places."


Lieutenant (JG) Cody Esposito (NPC)
Chief Botanist
USB Typhon

Tenock Marus
Civilian—Fruit Farmer/Merchant


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