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Compatriots, part 2

Posted on Sat Apr 10th, 2010 @ 9:36am by Commander Raven Adams & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

1,055 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Trans Galaactic Trading
Timeline: Current



"I've had too many dealings with the Tal'Shiar to play these games," Miral said, standing. "I do not wish to waste your time or mine." She headed towards the door.


A slight chuckle escaped from his lips as she started to walk away. "No, please, stay." He stood from his seat as well, clearly bemused. "Forgive the guarded conversation. I'm sure you understand the necessity of keeping certain things quiet." He motioned for to return to her seat.

"Of course. It is never wise to reveal all that you know. But when you are overcautious you raise just as many questions as when you tell too much," Miral said, turning to face Khiy.

He tilted his head in agreement. "At the same time it's all about positioning. You can learn much more about a person by the way they answer than by what has been said."

He turned and walked a few pace to the locked cabinet in the corner of his room. After retrieving the key from his pocket he unlocked it's two leave doors and reached inside. Having made his selection, he pulled out the vintage and locked the doors again. Glasses in hand he looked to the Ambassador "Care to share a drink with me?"

"All right," she said, walking back to the sofa and once again sitting down. When he handed her the glass she raised it up and looked at Khiy. "To what shall we toast?"

The corner of Khiy's mouth tilted up. "To being misunderstood."

That made Miral laugh. "To being misunderstood... for the right reasons." She touched her glass to his and took a sip. She smiled and nodded her approval "Very nice. So, Mr. Tal'ehrihn, tell me about yourself."

"I have a feeling there is little you don't already know. As an Ambassador you understand well the merits of 'knowing' a person long before ever talking to them."

"Oh, yes. The merits of 'knowing' someone are varied. Some are professional. Others... personal." She gave him an enigmatic smile. "Sometimes it can be just for the pleasure of it."

"So what is this then?" He said before taking a light sip of his drink.

"This what?" she asked. "This conversation? This drink? This reason for being on the starbase?" She wasn't going to tell him why she really came to visit him. Not yet, anyway. She didn't trust him. She didn't trust anyone. Especially after the last few months. She took a long, slow sip of her drink and watched him over the top of her glass.

He smiled "Now who is playing games?" He leaned back into his seat again and crossed his legs.

Miral just smiled and sat back, sipping her drink. He was good, but she was patient.

"Let's start with something simple then." He said noting her withdrawal. "Why be an ambassador to the Federation?"

"Because the Tal'Shiar didn't like my attitude towards the Federation," she replied candidly. "Why so paranoid about your parentage?" She knew the answer, but she wanted to hear it from him.

"So you support the Federations views?" He ignored her question for the moment.

"Mostly. I support the idea of the Federation. The small-minded people I run into around here -- not so much," she said honestly. "Why don't you trust people?"

He shook his head. "Who said I don't trust people?" He really didn't. "I may not be trusting in general, but that's only because I believe trust should be earned and not simply awarded on baseless terms."

"I happen to agree with you. Trust is given far too freely around here," she replied. It was a trait she wasn't sure if she admired or thought was foolish -- or both.

"Isn't that a conflict of interest with your given assignment?" He said with a raised eyebrow.

"It's only a conflict if I see it as such," she replied enigmatically. "And I do not."

"I can respect that." He said as he twirled the liquid inside his glass "You make your own rules. A weaker person would allow themselves to be lead into a mould."

"I have never been led anywhere I did not wish to go," she said archly.

"And what of compromise?" The swirling stopped.

"I will compromise -- to a point." She gave him a direct look. "And then I walk away."

He grinned sardonically "I would imagine such an approach would keep the Federation on their toes."

"We shall see."

Khiy nodded and resumed the activity of swirling the alcohol around in his glass. He let the silence drag on for a number of moments as he simply watched the crystal spin in his hand.

"Did you really come here to just speak to a 'fellow Romulan'?" His eyes never left the glass as he asked her the pointed question.

Miral finished her drink and set the glass on the table. Then she stood. "What do you think?"

He likewise placed his glass beside hers and looked up. "I think you have many demands on your time that may take precedence over talking to a simple civilian." He shrugged "I have been wrong before though."

Miral chuckled. She brushed his cheek with her fingers as she walked past. "Think what you wish."

He was sure she wanted something, but he still had no clue as to what it may be. He did his best not to react or flinch from the touch, but he was sure she would be able to read his hesitation. The more he thought about what had happened in the last few minutes the more he was sure this was a game of cat and mouse or, more accurately, a game of chess.

He pondered this for a moment before speaking again. "Like yourself, Miss Annhwi, I'm not one to be lead around."

"Who said I was leading?" Miral replied with an innocent air. She walked to the door of his office. "I'm mot sure if it's been a pleasure, but it has been interesting. Good day, Mr. Tal'ehrihn."

"Then the pleasure has been mine alone." He said with a half grin "Ambassador Annhwi." He gave her a curt nod.

Miral returned the nod. "Until we meet again," she said and walked out the door.


Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Chairman, Trans Galactic Trading

Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador


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