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Eating Your Wheaties

Posted on Sat Apr 24th, 2010 @ 7:14am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

1,543 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Promenade
Timeline: 0400, right after Dressed to Kill, Ready to Eat


T'var nodded to the waiter as left and then smiled, returning her gaze to her companion. "So, I believe you were telling me why you joined the marines? It's exactly if the Federation military service ever had much pull, at least, not before the Dominion war."


Wilhelm looked at his stunning companion and said "Your right. Everyone was joining the Fleet, but back to where I left off...My friends and myself decided to go to Berlin in Germany for a little fun after graduating. Well that was an interesting trip to begin with, but that would just get me sidetracked. Anyways, we stumbled into this little pub and ordered a round and you could say we were having a little too much fun. Well one of my friends, who was a trouble maker to begin with, decided to pick a fight with some Starfleet cadets. Well the place proceeded to get trashed and it so happened that a Starfleet Marine Sergeant pulled me off a cadet as most of my mates were already on the ground out cold and the rest of the cadets were zeroing in on me..." Wilhelm said as the waiter came back over and began setting plates in front of him and his breakfast companion. Wilhelm's stomach growled as the fumes rolled off the food and into his nose.

T'var smiled at the waiter as he placed a large plate of steaming food on the table before her. This place really looked like it knew how to make some good food. The ingredients were no doubt replicated, but the process of cooking the food was genuine, and it showed. "The marine Sargent must have been pretty impressed with you, being able to hold your own against a group of trained marine cadets..."

"Ohh they weren't marines they were, excuse the expression: Fleeties." Wilhelm said as he took a drink of his very strong coffee. "Honestly, after that I don't remember much because everything went black and then the Sergeant was throwing water in my face." Wilhelm finished as he takes a bite of his chicken fried steak. "MMM....How's their cooking?"

"Actually..." T'var said around a mouthful of fresh Gakh. "Quite tasty! I didn't think I was going to be able to find Klingon cuisine this good anywhere outside the Empire. Would you like some?" She motioned towards he plate with her fork, smiling.

"You know..." Wilhelm said with a slightly surprised look on his face, "I think I might have to pass. Klingon cuisine never really agreed with my palate. Bad experience with Klingon food packs in the field...." Wilhelm said with a slight shudder then takes a bite out of one of his biscuits.

"Ah, well More's the pity. it's actually quite good if you can get ahold of the real thing" T'var smiled and took a bite of the fluff cakes. "So, you said they were fleet cadets, how'd you end up in the marines then? Starfleet doesn't usually look kindly on people who beat up it's cadets?" She grinned, "Although it sounds impressive enough to warrant some attention."

"Well I was just sticking up for a friend, bonehead though he may be..." Wilhelm muffled the last part. "However, the Sergeant thought I had some potential apparently, and after a couple cups of coffee and a conversation he thought I would be a great addition to the marines." Wilhelm said as a piece of gagh wiggled it's way off of T'var's plate. "Starfleet didn't complain to much because an the Sergeant saved an Admiral's life and called in the debt." Wilhelm finished. "So what brought you into this Fleet of ours?" Wilhelm asked.

T'var's fork lashed out, stabbing the piece of Gakh clean through. Her movement was ferocious yet perfectly ladylike, the ultimate blend of silent power and perfect beauty. She ate the small impaled worm and smiled at the slightly milky taste. "Well when I was twenty-one I left Vulcan and came to Earth. I have to tell you it was a very strange transition..."

"Vulcan?" Wilhelm said eyeing T'var's Trill spots. "Forgive me, but I thought I saw some pointed ears underneath that hair...thought I was seeing things in my dotage." Wilhelm said with a sorry look on his face. "Anyways... I bet it was a strange transition." Wilhelm said thinking of 110F plus deserts.

"That's alright. I find that most... males I meet notice my spots long before they notice my ears." T'var grinned and finished her fluff cake, enjoying it's silky texture. "It was hard though, and not just because of the climate change, although San Fransisco is a mite different from Vulcan to be certain..." She smiled thoughtfully remembering her first days on Earth. "It was really the cultural differences that were hard to adjust to though. Everyone was so emotional, and up until that point my entire life had been geared to controlling my emotions."

"As I can see from earlier, I think we rubbed off on you a little bit." Wilhelm said as he scraped up the last bits of his breakfast.

"You most certainly did." T'var responded watching Wilhelm finish his food. "Anyway I hung around Earth for a while just trying to get the hang of things, but eventually I realized that I wanted to actually do something with my life, and I had made some friends who were planning to join Starfleet. I just sort of tagged along. Although it took me a few years longer then I had wanted to get into the academy.... If it hadn't been for Hassac I wouldn't have gotten in at all..."

"Hassac? That sounds like an interesting story.... If you had so much trouble trying to get into the academy why didn't you just enlist in the marines? They'll almost take anyone, believe me. Then after a few years you could've transferred to the Fleet." Wilhelm said. " I do have to say though, I admire the determination."

"Well back then the marine corps frankly wasn't as much of the big deal it is now. Back then it was just a sub-category of Starfleet, little used and little known. That combined with the fact that I was never very... comfortable with violence... well." T'var sighed, "And I don't mean anything by it but frankly the idea that we still, after all this time, have a military service... well it bugs me." She grinned mischievously and placed her hand on Wilhelm hand, "Although I do like all the big strong men the Marines produce for the ladies of the galaxy."

"...Just so we can trip over them." Wilhelm said with a very male smile. "However, that is totally understandable reasoning. Going in and getting face to face with the bad guys is not everybodies cup of tea."

T'var flashed another smile his direction. It was fun to be able to casually flirt like this, not at all like the academy. "Well now I'm not saying I'm unwilling to fight..." She replied moving her now clean plate off to the side of the table, "...But it seems to me that if there's any way around fighting then it should be taken instead and you marines are all about fighting an nothing else... right?" She grinned teasing slightly although her voice certainly carried a serious undertone.

"Not exactly, we also train excessively..." Wilhelm said jokingly, "...but seriously. We're the people the Federation calls when diplomacy fails or they need an issue forced. If there is anyway to avoid a fight I would take it. It would save my marines, and myself, from the possibility of getting killed or maimed. Writing letters home is not one of my happier duties... However, the marines also do some good. Our Artificers, combat engineers, are some of the best in the business and they've helped build schools, hospitals, bridges and homes along with other things. Of course when they help civilian infrastructure the rest of us get to help out too." Wilhelm said proudly as their Cardassian waiter came over to collect their plates.

"True enough. And don't get me wrong, it's not you I dislike, and honestly I don't even really dislike the corps, I just have a problem with the idea of an actual military force in general. I like you just fine." She stood and smiled, "I think i'm going to catch a few hours rest before my next duty shift but this was fun, lets do it again."

Wilhelm pays the bill quick, then says, "I wish I had a few hours instead of a couple. Walk you home?"

"That would be quite gentlemanly of you, but I think it's a bit out of your way. Ensign remember?" T'var said smiling and motioning to the pip on her collar. "I live in the very bowels of the station. I'll see you round?" She asked, hoping she hadn't seemed rude, it was just that her eyelids felt like lead weights she was so tired.

"Ohh yes I'll be around unless something comes up. Have a good night's sleep." Wilhelm said regretfully. Wilhelm thought it was time to go take a cold shower then report in.

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines
SB Typhon

Ensign T'var
SB Typhon


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