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Orders from the CMC

Posted on Sat Apr 24th, 2010 @ 7:10am by Commander Basil Hart & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

475 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Marine CO's Office
Timeline: Present


[Marine CO's Office]

"Colonel, I have a communique from Marine HQ, Theta Fleet." The young Marine who had knocked at his doorway was nervous at having to interrupt her commanding officer with such an important message. "Sir, it's from the CMC himself!"

Wilhelm got a surprised look on his face and told the marine to patch the call through to his office. Quickly verifying the call Wilhelm answerd to a older, very high ranking marine. "Sir. A pleasure to see you. What can I do for your today?" Wilhelm said.

"Greetings, Colonel Von Hackleburg. I am Major General Ammon Khan. I'm sorry we haven't met before now, but this issue needs to be handled expeditiously. You are being ordered to Take the 21st Regiment and One wing of Razors to EXETER, a neutral planet close to Breen space. The planet was attacked by a force of Breen and mercenary forces. Their fate is unknown. You are to depart within Ten days. You will be assigned the USS Odin and the USS Thor as support ships. The Marine assault ship MAS Gladdius will be picking the Regiment up a Typhon. Your specific orders are to retake the planet and drive all opposing forces out. Do you have any questions?"

"Yes sir. What kind of enemy numbers and composition should I be expecting, along with what sort of support they have on hand. I'll also be needing any available info on the planet itself, weather and geological reports, etc.." Wilhelm asked.

The general frowned. "The fact is, colonel, we have very little information to go on. Only one distress call made it out on subspace radio before the Breen started jamming communications, and they have a dampening field down there that's messing up long range sensor scans. I can give you survey reports about weather and geology, but tactical data is as scarce as a charitable Ferengi. Anything else?" General Khan looked at his chronometer.

"Well sir the only other question I have is, are these Breen are privateers or regulars. Other then that, that should be all General." Wilhelm finished.

"Initial reports indicate that the attacking forces didn't have a lot of uniforms, and not all of them were Breen. This could indicate a few regulars or privateers and a lot of mercenaries, but this is hearsay at this point. I think the force you will have at your disposal should be enough to deal with the threat. That's all i have for you. Good luck, colonel, and Semper Fi. Khan out." The screen faded.

Wilhelm immediately went out to Marine ops and informed the staff that he wanted an orders meeting as soon as he was done informing the Captain.

Major General Ammon Khan (NPC)
Commandant of the Marine Corps
Theta Fleet

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines
SB Typhon


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