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A very Large Green Machine

Posted on Sat Apr 24th, 2010 @ 7:43am by Commodore Edward Fannin

143 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Typhon Air Space final Approach
Timeline: Curret


Fannin was called to the bridge, he wasn't far down the hall and made it in under a minute. A young operations bridge officer advised him a large vessel had dropped out of warp and was hailing the Typhon's commanding officer.

"Bring that vessel up on the view screen please." Fannin responded to a bald headed captain on the screen.

"Greetings, This is Captain Edward Fannin of the Starbase Typhon. Please identify."

"I am Captain Vickers of the Marine Assault ship Gladdius. Requesting permission to dock Sir."

"Permission granted Captain Vickers, welcome to Typhon. Please standby for Typhon control officer who will direct your approach."

Fannin was puzzled why the vessel was this far out, something was up. He need to get a hold the Colonel and let him know of the new arrival..


Captain Edward Fannin
commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon


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