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Drunken Delivery

Posted on Sun Dec 27th, 2009 @ 10:56pm by Commander Lucas Jackson

493 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Cargo Bay 395, Deck 1,085
Timeline: Current

Cody Esposito walked into the Cargo Bay, located in the bowels of the ship. There wasn't any cargo in it, however. "I knew even a massive place like this couldn't fill up all of their bays..." The Lieutenant said out loud.

"Ah, Cody! Thank you for coming down here." It was Lieutenant Commander Lucas Jackson, popping out from behind an odd-looking contraption. "How's life been? I assume that is the food I asked for?"

"Hay...Life's good. Its just busy coordinating all the plants and such coming into the Arboretum. I still have to start up the Hydro and Airponics programs as well...Anyways, yeah. Here are your three crates of Kava fruit...May I ask what you want all this fruit for?"

"Oh, yes," Jackson began, "How is your Chief Botanist position going? I entrust I made the right decision...Even though you're not supposed to work with friends." Lucas winked at Cody, giving him the impression that he deliberately changed the subject.

"Luke, don't just ignore my question," the Botanist chuckled. "I know you too well by now...You can't hide anything from me."

"ALRIGHT!" Luke yelled. "I'm need the juice of the fruit for some springwine I'm making for a little New Year's Eve party I'm hosting." Jackson began to stumble over to Cody. "You remember that contraption I whipped up at the Academy, don't you...Well, HERE IT IS!"

The Chief Botanist peered over Luke's shoulder. "How can I forget...That's your instant ferment-er! Academy life wouldn't have been the same without it."

"YES, INDEED! Academy life wouldn't have been the same. INDEED! INDEED! INDEED!" Jackson nearly fell over, but he barely caught himself. "I...I TRIED many different amounts of kava in the wine, but none were the right amount. NOT ONE TIME! SO, I needed more. THANK YOU! THANK YOU for the kavas!"

Cody stared at the Lieutenant Commander in shock. "My God, Luke! You're intoxicated...You're slurring your words...You can't walk straight...I'm assuming you had to drink a lot of springwine to make sure it was of the correct proportions." The thought was still hard for Cody to believe. He knew that Luke was part Orion, and he knew that they had strong stomachs for alcoholic beverages. In all the years that Cody knew Luke, he never had seen him drunk.

"PRECISELY, MY BOY! OH, what tasty wine it was...JUST NOT RIGHT!"

"Luke, I'm taking you to sickbay...You need to see the doctor."

"OH, NO! YOU CAN'T TAKE ME, THERE!!! I'LL DIE!" Luke fell into Cody's arms. "In the...IN THE BAG OVER THERE...there's something to take...TO MAKE PEOPLE BETTER!!!"

Still in disbelief, Cody shook his head. "Alright...You're lucky we're friends." He found the shot that Luke was trying to talk about and administered it to him.


Lieutenant Commander Lucas Jackson
Chief Science Officer
USB Typhon

Lieutenant (JG) Cody Esposito
Chief Botanist
USB Typhon


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