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Flag Officer Arrival

Posted on Sun Dec 13th, 2009 @ 7:56pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

394 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Main Control / Bridge
Timeline: Current


Fannin was getting settled and more familiar with Main control by the minute. At first it seemed like the eye of a small tornado, but thing were planned out well, All information started at the upper ring level, this was transferred down to the lower level ring. If a function was determined to need Command approval or tagged for his knowledge it was forwarded to the center, The Pit they called it. He knew in this system The bulk of decisions were made by the people who needed to make them, instead of the Captain being bombarded with hundreds of ship movement requests or notifications of arrivals at passenger terminals. The Base was just to large.

Warrant James walked down the ramp with a tall Operations Officer. "Greetings Sir, This is
Lieutenant Haskins Sir with a classified message."

"Thank you James, Good to meet you Haskins." Fannin took the message. A Fleet notification advising of the near arrival of Rear Admiral Nickolas Stone. Stone was the Fleet Intelligence Director. Ed turned to James and Haskins.

"We're about to get some interesting visitors, James please ensure the Fleet Command Offices on deck 23 are ready, also the VIP quarters located there. Rear Admiral Stone and his staff will be arriving soon."

"Flight Control".. A young Ensign turned towards the Captain from his console. "Lets make sure the Admirals vessel is docked smartly and notify me of it's approach please."

"Aye, Aye, Sir." Warrant James was standing close by, "Sir I'll go and check on the shape of deck 23 Sir."

Ed nodded in agreement, "Thanks James, let me know if there's any problems." Fannin returned to his chair and continued to work on his padd. He was scheduled for a meeting in the Ready room with the Chief fleet engineer in a few minutes to discuss upgrades and base modifications. it was a meeting that was vital to getting the base cleared of the waves of contractors milling about her decks. He had a few hours before the Admiral arrived so the meeting shouldn't be a conflict. He left the the main bridge and walked up the ramp leaving the ship to a highly capable lieutenant Commander shift watch Officer.


Captain Edward Fannin
CO, USB Typhon

Warrant Officer First Class Terri James, (NPC)
Command Yeoman
USB Typhon

Lieutenant Yuri Haskins, (NPC)
Communications Officer
USB Typhon


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