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Posted on Wed Dec 30th, 2009 @ 4:19am by Commodore Edward Fannin

284 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Captains Ready Room
Timeline: Current


Captain Fannin had been at his desk for several hours pouring over progress reports from Engineering and Science, Three hundred reports were logged into the computer data base on station upgrades and modifications. Sections were having issues finding everything from baggage,shuttles, even each other. Newly assigned people were lost and in the wrong quarters... the list just kept getting bigger... After the last hour he was truly overwhelmed. Rising from his chair he wandered over to the replicator and grabbed some coffee.

After a warm sip of the coffee most people called "Crankcase oil", Ed glanced at the giant board on the wall opposite his desk, it was Three foot tall and nine feet wide... and blank.

Fannin walked to the doorway and peeked into the lobby, "James, could you come in here for a few minutes?" Soon they were both looking at the giant screen, Yeoman James was waiting for him to speak.

"Yeoman James, tell me what in the blazes it does, and make it help us get this ship straightened out." he said pointing and the wall with his coffee.

After getting the board turned on and logging into the mainframe, tasks which James had quickly completed. Fannin began...

~Computer, show all furniture and equipment in storage areas~... The screen jumped as he zoomed in he saw green color coded areas with items that hadn't be found or unpacked.... A few minutes of organizing and he was convinced he had a solution. This was going to work out very nicely, perhaps a few hours of chaos but a solution to the issue. Fannin pleased with his plan headed for the bridge..


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon


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