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Losing a Regiment

Posted on Sun Apr 25th, 2010 @ 7:02am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commodore Edward Fannin

475 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: current


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg was suddenly a very busy man getting his Regiment starting to move. After a couple of hours he decides it would probably be best to inform the Captain. Making his way to the Command Center he hits the chime on the Captain's Ready Room and enters.

"Good morning Captain. What kind of mood are you in this morning?"

"Colonel , grab a cup. Your just the man I was looking for. Seems we have a ship that just docked you may be interested in."

"It wouldn't happen to be a Marine Assault Ship would it? If it is, they're early." Wilhelm said.

"Why yes it would, I guess you better tell me whats going on."

"Yes sir. Just a couple of hours ago I received a message from Major General Ammon Khan, CMC, Theta Fleet." Wilhelm said and took a drink of coffee then continued, "The good General issued me new orders: In ten days, I am to take the whole 21st Regiment, one wing of Razor Interceptors, and the Thor and Odin to a planet called Exeter near Breen space. The MAS Gladdius is here to transport us. I also believe they are carrying a company from the 7th Regiment to garrison Stonebreaker."

"Wow, I wasn't expecting that. The Gladdius is docked and has a 100 tons of equipment and weapons on board. That monster out there can also conduct a drone bombardment. Will your Regiment be ready?"

"One way or the other sir.....At least the 21st is going to see if their training was any good. We'll have to make a detour to Tiberius to pick up the First too. One thing I don't like about this op is that Fleet doesn't even know if this is going to be overkill sending a full regiment or are we going to be totally outnumbered." Wilhelm shrugged then said, "It'll be fun either way..."

"Not so sure about the fun part, had a few years in the Marines colonel I know better. I just hope It isn't a meat grinder. Have you briefed your Officers yet?"

"No I have not yet made it past the initial scramble. Though I planned on doing that after our meeting, I should also include Commander Casey since it'll involve one of his wings. Also, I'm sure you agree, I'm just hoping for no casualties, and a milk run, though I doubt it. Ohh well, 'Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst.'" Wilhelm says

"Sound strategy Colonel. You know you will have our support all the way."

"Yes sir. Now if you will excuse me, I have to go round up Third Battalion from their girlfriends and families." Wilhelm said with a smile on his face.


Captain Edward Fannin
CO, Starbase Typhon

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines
SB Typhon


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