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Researching Recreation

Posted on Thu Apr 29th, 2010 @ 8:51pm by Lieutenant Commander Aishel Enor [Blackhawk] & Commodore Edward Fannin

313 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Typhon's Command Center
Timeline: 1100 hours


Aishel went to the command center with a blank padd in her hand. She looked around for the commander, and saw the pips on an older gentleman. Smiling gently to herself, she walked over to him. He looked like a by-the-book type; she was grateful she had changed back into her gold engineering uniform. "Excuse me, Captain, Fannin?" At least she hoped it was him.

Fannin turned, "Yes how can I help you?"

Enor gave him a friendly smile. "Sir, I'm LCdr Aishel Enor from the Blackhawk. I've been told to find out the vacation spots on the planet that are ready. Some of our crew are looking to go snowboarding and I'd rather not have to rescue them from an avalanche."

Fannin smiled, "Some of the planets higher elevations had not even had a footprint on them. The marines have built a few campgrounds but that's about it. The resort Is a beach resort."

Enor nodded. "Do you have the coordinates?" She held her padd and waited for the latitude and longitude.

"Well, not off the top of my head. You can check with the bridge they could certainly help you with the location."

Enor blushed, just now realizing how she had been acting. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't expect you to remember that. But I really should go, I need to get those coordinates for the crew. Thank you for the information, sir."

"No problem, if you find a good spot please let me know. I would like to check it out myself."

Enor smiled, the blush receding. "I will, sir. Good day." She turned to leave, hopefully he wouldn't hold it against her. She got the coordinates from the command center and left. She looked at the padd. It was better than nothing, she supposed.


Capt Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
SB Typhon

LCdr Aishel Enor
Chief Engineer
USS Blackhawk


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