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Yet another big party!, Part II

Posted on Sat May 1st, 2010 @ 5:02pm by Commodore Edward Fannin & Captain Jensen Albertson (USS Blackhawk- CO) & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Jason Reid & Commander Ian Casey & Lieutenant Commander Aishel Enor [Blackhawk] & Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Basil Hart & Commander Dhindara Vrel & Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant Cole Russo & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

1,805 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Preparing The Fleet
Location: Reception Hall
Timeline: Current


Faron sighed. The party was going alright, but the Ambassadors, apparently, were not the chattiest of people, and the 'meet your Ambassador' banquet was... little more than a big party.

"Another Whiskey."

Miral continued to walk away from the Bolian ambassador. Hopefully, if she got far enough away, he wouldn't come after her to continue the discussion of crop rotation and grain retrieval systems. She looked over at Khiy. "How is your business doing, Mr. Tal'ehrihn? I hope the starbase is treating you well."

Khiy smiled at her. "Well, it seems. My frieghters are hauling good numbers here in the region and I have more and more shipment requests flooding in every day. I think i'm going to have to expand my fleet soon. In short, the starbase has been good to me."

"I'm glad to hear it," Miral replied. "I know that I have little to offer you, but if I can be of help, let me know." Very softly, so that only Khiy could hear, she added. "No strings."

Khiy chuckled softly and looked down to his feet before turning his gaze back to her. "You are a dangerous person to be around, aren't you?"

"Sometimes," she said honestly. "Sometimes I'm just what I appear to be."

Khiy wanted to say 'a predator' but held his tounge. He was siruggling to find the guise in her words, but they seemed genuine in relation to the way she carried herself.

"Is that so?" He said as he wasn't sure which way to take the conversation now that he was second guessing himself. "This isn't because I rescued you from that windbag of a Bolian, is it?"

Miral looked over at the Bolian, now in conversation with someone else. "While I am grateful for the rescue, it hardly calls for more than a word of thanks," Miral replied dryly. "The gesture, whether you believe me or not, was genuine. It was what it was, nothing more. I have no political aspirations -- I have seen too many politicians and they are all fools. I left the military by choice. I am here also by choice." He could interpret that as he wished. Explaining herself would do no good. This man would either accept what she said or he would not.

He stood there for a moment absorbing her words, looking for a half truth or a carefully worded sentense, but he didn't find one. Was it possible he was wrong about her?

"For a truth, I'm not so sure about you. However, if your words ring true I feel compelled to re-introduce myself." He held out his hand to her in formal greeting "Hello, my name is Khiy."

"I'm used to not being trusted," Miral said with a hint of bitterness in her voice. Then she smiled and took his hand. "Hello. My name is Miral. Nice to meet you, Khiy."

"Pleasure is mine." He said with a genuine smile. "So what's a nice Rihannsu woman like yourself doing at a party like this?"

"I was told it was an intellectual gathering to discuss the future of trade negotiations..." she said facetiously. Then, more seriously, she added, "These are the people I will need to work with. It is important to make an appearance. As I'm sure you know, being a businessman."

True, I can appreciate the importance of attending choice events. However, I'm interested to hear where you think the lines lie between a recreational event and work. Is there one for an ambassador?"

"This 'recreational event' is for the ambassadors to meet the staff of the starbase. Most ambassadorial functions are couched as 'social events,' but they're really business meetings. Many arrangements are begun or finalized at a social event such as this. Important contacts -- and impressions -- are made at these events. It is imperative that you see and are seen." Her voice had a hint of cynicism at the end. She did not like politics.

"Under that same admission, then, it seems to me that whenever you are in public you have to put up a front for the sake of a good impression. Is there anytime when you can drop the facade and just be you?"

"I can occasionally get out without people knowing who I am. Most don't, which I like. If I'm not in formal attire, I can pass unseen. And I spend a lot of time on my own," she said quietly. It was not good to admit as much, but she had the feeling that with Khiy she was better off speaking the unvarnished truth. To be honest, she preferred honesty.

Khiy understood the desire to go by unnoticed by people, though from his experience it was for the sake of his freedom, should he be recognised. The notion that she would prefer annynemity for personal reasons caught him slightly off guard.

"Sounds like a lonely existence." He said as he looked to the glass sitting in his hand. "Especially when you are so far away from home."

Miral looked off across the room, not really focusing on anything. "Being a sub-commander isn't much different. It is the way my life is."

"True, but then at least then you were on a ship full of other Rihannsu."

Not such a good thing when you were not as militant as the rest of the crew, Miral though. But that was a private matter, one she shared with no one.

Khiy noticed the silence and decided not to press further. "No matter though. This is where you are now, better to make the best out of it." He took down a large gulp of his beverage.

"Yes," Miral replied softly. "Better to make the best of it." For some reason she was feeling lonely. It was not a pleasant feeling, especially in a crowd. Perhaps it was the conversation. Perhaps it was the person next to her, but she was suddenly aware of what she was missing. "I'm sorry, Mr. Tal'ehrihn, it has been a pleasure, but I... must leave." She finished her drink and set it on a nearby table with other empty glasses waiting to be recycled and began to make her way to the door.

Faron sipped his Whiskey. A Bolian Ambassador approached. "Bartender, I'm going to need the bottle." He said silently, then turned, and addressed the Bolian Ambassador. "A pleasure to meet you, sir."

"No, no, the pleasure is mine!" The Bolian said enthusiastically. "I've been meaning to come talk to you sooner, but, there was just so many interesting people to talk to! For example, do you know that the individual standing over by the bar," He pointed to a man looking oddly stressed and sipping heavily from a bottle. "he had three targs as pets to play with as a child. Can you imagine? Three! Terribly aggressive I would think. I wonder how they would fare against a Bolian rolgora beast. I've seen a few in my time and they are positively WILD!" He shouted the last word which made a petite woman near them jump and spill her drink from the sound. He didn't seem to even notice. "They have these big serrated teeth that can chew through almost anything. Isn't that incredible!?"

Faron simply nodded, and sipped his whiskey.

Edward saw Faron talking to the Bolian, and thought it a good way to get an introduction.. "Hello gentleman, mind if I join you in a drink?" He was joined by Major Parino who stood to the side waiting to be introduced.

Faron nodded. He shot Fannin a look that had a slight degree of sorrow. Apparently Fannin had not encountered the Ambassadorial strain of the Bolian Species yet.

Ensign T'vanna, needing Faron's attention, and yet not able to draw him away from the Bolian Ambassador frowned. "Amba..." She tried for the third time. She was rudely cut off. A quick Vulcan nerve pinch disabled the excessively annoying Bolian, and she summarized her thought.. "Ambassador Lenar, you are needed in the Kitchen."

"Pardon me." Lenar said, stepping over the Bolian Ambassador, on his way to the Kitchen.

Morgan glided over to the bar and ordered a glass of Dom Perignon. While the bartender went in search of a bottle, she turned to look at the crowd. People watching always fascinated her.

Fannin saw Morgan, she was sipping champagne, he stepped over towards her. "Morgan can I get you a refill?"

"That would be lovely," Morgan purred, handing Fannin her glass.

Fannin stepped to the bar and was handed a fresh glass by the bartender. He returned to Morgan. "Interesting event, have you met the Ambassadors?"

"Yes. I met most of them at your party the other day," Morgan replied.

Raven slipped quietly into the room. She'd put off coming for as long as she could, but she couldn't afford to offend the ambassadors by not putting in an appearance. She walked around the room to the bar and got herself a glass of dark red sangria. She would make the rounds, be seen, and leave.

Kira Martin was running late. She'd had to finish a class, shower and change before making an appearance. Several ambassadors and wives of ambassadors were frequent visitors to her spa and juice bar. She grabbed a tall glass of passion fruit juice and began to walk around, greeting the women she knew. The wife of Ambassador Lenar. Kira walked up to her with a friendly smile. "Hi. Nice party."

"The decor is completely unacceptable." Amalia said, shaking her head.

Kira looked around the room. It looked like most Federation rooms. "What did you want to do?" she asked.

"Something bright, and with a little more decor. British Imperial, perhaps. The Trill Ambassador disagreed." Amalia said, glowering at the Trill ambassador, who returned the glare.

Kira nodded and smiled, listening politely to the woman.

Aishel was off to one side, since she didn't know anyone. Her hazel eyes swept the room until they found the engineer from the Typhon. The woman's hand on her drink looked like it was in a lot better shape than Aishel's own. She weaved through the crowd over to the woman. "Hi. Some party, huh? Is everyone from the Starbase here?"

"I'll say" T'var said, her eye's glinting. "Although I have to admit, so many high ranking people, it's a little intimidating!" She laughed softly, "I'm glad to see another familiar face! So, how long are you going to be with us here on the station?"

Raven wandered through the room, sipping her glass of sangria and chatting briefly with some of the ambassadors and officers. When she felt she'd made enough of a show, she finished off her drink, set it on a table, and left the room.


Combined Crew of the USS Typhon ,USS Blackhawk


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