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Invitation to Project Nine

Posted on Sun May 2nd, 2010 @ 3:52am by Commodore Edward Fannin

416 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Tiberious V,


The Danube was on station above Tiberius V. Captain Fannin had received a request from the project director inviting him to to come down for an Un-official visit. Fannin was hoping he would get the opportunity to check this place out. He would be transported down to the project even though there was an Very large landing area. Absolute secrecy was the the rule here. Fannin was impressed with the size of the transporter deck as he arrive and quickly saw Commander Nance step towards him. "welcome to Project Nine Captain Fannin, I'm very glad you could spend some time with us today." several other personnel were standing behind Nance and all were introduced to the captain.

"Please allow us to show you a sample of what we have been doing down here the last few Months. If you will step this way sir and walk through the Id portal." Edward walked through it and was fully scanned and verified as the one and only Edward Fannin. Smiling he continued on with the group to a large vault door. Nance hit a few buttons on a key pad and they slowly opened into a huge tunnel.

"Commander Nance, exactly were are we?"

"Technically, the North face of Mount Trina. The center of the mystic mountains. This tunnel is our main entrance to the project. As you see the main tunnel is Fifty meters high and Fifty meters wide. Fannin observed several vehicles were passing buy at slow speeds. They were walking don a sloped sidewalk towards a Three story office complex built into the side of the interior walls or the tunnel. once inside he saw the Three dimensional model of the tunnel and layout of the project. "This is truly amazing Commander, how many people are here working on this project?"

"Right now we have over Thirteen Thousand engineers and laborers now. The project will be pushing on to it's next phase."

Fannin was dying to ask, "And when the project it complete commander what will you be doing here?"

Nance smiled and hit a button on the model. Fannin saw hundreds of tunnels, thousands of rooms, labs and cells... His jaw dropped at the size of the complex.

"Project Nine will be the largest containment facility of it's kind."

Edward turned to the Commander, "What could full a building of this size?"

Nance grinned... "Everything we know of, found, discovered, designed. Every reference, file sample and picture...Everything will be held here."



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