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Operation Homecoming III, Surprise!

Posted on Sun May 2nd, 2010 @ 12:52am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Ian Casey & Commodore Edward Fannin

1,189 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder
Location: Camp Stonebreaker, Tiberius V
Timeline: One hour after Operation Homecoming II Rolling Thunder


The Freighter, Odessan Voyage got closer and closer towards Tiberius V, until it finally got close enough to Camp Stonebreaker. Captain Aleksandr looked at the planet steadily getting larger in his viewport the turned to look at Colonel von Hackleberg. "I'll tell you what Colonel. I'll bet you 20 credits your plan doesn't work..." Wilhelm looks at the Captain and says, "You're on Yuri...Just make sure those life sign simulators are running." The Captain then turned to the COMM and activated it. "Freighter Odessan Voyage with supplies and replacements troops requesting landing clearance to Camp Stonebreaker."

"This is Stonebreaker, welcome. You are cleared to land."

"Take her down helm." Captain Aleksandyr said to his helmsman. As the freighter made its way down through the atmosphere Wilhelm was watching the sensor screen intently looking for that sweet spot of when they were inside of Stonebreaker's defensive shield. "There it goes..." Wilhelm says as he see's the camp lowering its defences, then Wilhelm waits a minute so they are fully within the shield then looks at the freighters wake view to see his close air support. "Lightning is greenlighted for ops. Thunder on hot standby!" Wilhelm said into the COMM.

"You heard the man," Ian said to the others in the flight. "It's show time!" He brought up the tactical display and keyed the comm again. "Let's give them an Iron Cross," he said, feeling the excitement. He watched his display as two of his fighters veered off and adjusted their trajectory. When they were in position he ordered them to begin their run. The tactical display showed the element approach the base and strafe key defensive placements.

As they cleared the space above the base, Ian and his wingman began their run. The fighters flew at the base at a 90 degree angle from the first flight. As Ian approached 30 seconds later, he could see people running around the base. He also noted a SAM site swinging into action, targeting the departing fighters. Smiling to himself, he locked onto the missile launcher and fired a torpedo. As the launcher 'exploded', he saw his wingman strafing the ground units trying to mount a defense.

As Ian broke away from the attack, he scanned his tactical display and smiled. 71% of the defenses were gone on the first run. He knew that in a couple minutes a second wave would move in, coming from the opposite directions of the first waves. Ian was proud of the effectiveness of his pilots, but he knew Colonel Hackleberg would be pissed. Ian's only regret was that he wouldn't be there to see the Colonel's face.

Wilhelm watched the flyers do their work and was a little...disappointed about how the air strike was causing damage, but then again the freighter could any shield so many fighters and it was a LARGE base...Hitting the COMM "Thunder is a go! Lightning to on-call status." Wilhelm said. He then looked at the quickly approaching base and heard the Captain announce: Prepare for landing. Wilhelm wondered how Parino and the First would do against Reynolds and his jarred Third.

Major Parino was amazed at the air strike. His battalion was signaled forward and immediately started taking prisoners. The first company had taken a few casualties and had gained good ground. He was concerned a second attack from the Air may endanger his forward unit but told them to press on. The freighter was in site and confusion was the order. It was clear that Reynolds was able to scatter a few very small units at the beginning of the Air attack but inside stone breaker it was mass confusion.

Erwin Reynolds had made it to a bunker just as the first wave was hitting. If this was an excersize it was very convincing as he observed the main storage building sag an collapses as Marines ran for cover. He attempted to contact sergeant Major Knight but the com was being jammed at in incredible rate. He saw a fire team moving up to the command center and knew those weren't 3rd Battalion... He pointed and a few men around him opened fire and took out a few of them. The return fire was overpowering and he withdrew with his small unit to the edge of the trees nearby. That's when he was hit hard and went down smashing his head on the pavement.

The attack was from the south, Gunny Knight and his company saw the camp get hammered and were pissed off. They moved into column formation and prepared to assault. if timed right they could hit the 1st Battalion on the flank and give the Marines in the camp an escape route.

Parino had taken Stonebreaker, assembled a few prisoners and taken out the bulk of the Garrison. His units were spreading out establishing a perimeter when Charlie company virtually disappeared from his hud... taken out. Another half company was pinned down. He moved the a re-enforced squad in to form a base of fire to stop the advance. This had taken a bad turn...

Wilhelm exited the parked freighter into the ravaged camp. Wearing his body armor plus a flourescent orange overshirt that said, "OBSERVER". Wilhelm walks towards the sound of the firefight. Getting closer Wilhelm sees the First organizing to recieve the Third's counterattack. Looking at his Master HUD, showing all his troops positions Wilhelm sees Parino did not sufficiently cover his flanks to prevent the loss of C Company and Reynold's Mike Force was about to go charging in. Wilhelm was content to let the battle continue to see if Parino could recover from his mistake. So far he could see the First clearly winning but the Third could change that.

Command Sergeant Major Varnik of the 1st battalion had Twenty Two men left from C company and overrun by the assault column. Tossed to the side as the column moved on, Varnik hastily reformed his men and followed the assault wave waiting for a chance at revenge..

Captain Amanda Fletcher was watching on the hud and saw what had happened to Varnik's company and ordered a 360 degree turn and spread her company of a hundred of Marines out to form a final line of defense. They only had to wait a few minutes as the last fifty or so of sergeant Knights 3rd battalion survivors came into a horrific kill zone. the column disintegrated quickly and Knights Marine turned to retreat finding the path blocked by Sergeant Varnik's re-enforced squad. It was over in less than Four minutes. A few radios crackled.

Major Parino trotted up to Colonel Hackleburg. "Sir camp Stonebreaker belongs the 1st Battalion."

"Very good Major. I'll want a full action report by tomorrow 0700, when the freighter leaves with the Third. I'll also want the all the standard after action reports as well. Well Major see to your men and any wounded." Wilhelm stated.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines
SB Typhon

Commander Ian Casey
Air Group Commander
SB Typhon

Major Erwin Reynolds, NPC
3rd Battalion Commander, 21st Marines

Major Jerry Parino
1st Battalion Commander, 21st Marines,


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