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Tipping the Rift

Posted on Sun May 2nd, 2010 @ 4:00am by Lieutenant JG Yuir Sidorov & Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Jason Reid & Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Dhindara Vrel & Commander Basil Hart & Commander Lucas Jackson & Lieutenant Cole Russo & Captain Rodrigo Ramos

1,826 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder
Location: Starbase Typhon > Deck 12 > Semper Fi Lounge


The repairs and system upgrades were going on per scheduling as the Blackhawk was still under heavy construction. Yuri sat in the confines of his office looking over service records of oncoming security personnel. Seconds later as he began drifting off to sleep at his desk, a comms came through for the Chief of Security. Snapping too nearly knocking a PADD off his desk, Yuri tapped his comm-badge as he replied for them to go ahead.

=/= You are needed on board the Starbase sir, we have a situation in one of the lounge bars at requires your immediate attention. =/=

=/= On my way. =/= Yuri responded as he jumped to his feet before clearing off his display and headed for the hanger bay.

The shuffling game of going back and forth between the Starbase the Blackhawk was somewhat tiresome, but thus was the life of a Chief Security Officer, he was in essence, the police of Starfleet. Standing by a shuttle craft Yuri recently requisition from flight control for the duration of their stay at the Starbase, he walked past a young pilot inspecting as he spoke on a move.

“Get me to hanger bay 12...†The pilot had to look around for a second before realizing that his escort was already on board. Nearly being shut out, he hopped to his seat as Yuri tapped his comm badge requesting Ensign Carter. The shuttle began its accent as the somewhat busy Ensign responded. Yuri, slightly puzzled as ked if the Ensign was busy, another belated response confirmed that as Yuri then instructed him without hesitation to met him at the Semper Fi Lounge in five minuets.

As they practiced port speed towards the shuttle bay, the pilot noticed that they were entering a heavily congested area, which meant that marine units were boarding the Starbase from their training assignments. A lot of impulsive, slightly arrogant, relax deprived men and women were ready to enjoy themselves onboard the Typhon. It was customary during this time that non-fleet mariners stay away from this area as it’s a birthplace for problems. Glancing back at Lieutenant Yuri, he instructed him to land as they were on a collection assignment.


Inside the Semper Fi Lounge, a older Chief Petty Officer was becoming slightly disgruntle as his drinking binge was disturbing a lot of other people. The CPO was a recent addition to the Blackhawk and their near death experience, namely, watching several crew members get sucked into the vacuum of space, place a different aspect on life for the now 28 year old human. Yuri, figuring it smarter to dress as a civilian than a security officer, quickly exited the shuttle and began the maze towards the lounge, in hopes to retrieve the Blackhawk crew member before anything happen.

Ensign Bowman sat at a corner table and watched the CPO getting rowdy. He smiled to himself as he sipped his drink. He really enjoyed coming to a Marine bar. He wondered how many of the patrons knew a pilot was in their company but decided he really didn't care. If they didn't like it they could go somewhere else.

Ensign Kran Maug had a long day of climbing through jeffries tubes and on his knees fixing burned out conduits through out the station. Now the Klingon wanted to wind down a bit. He sat down at the bar and ordered a blood wine and took a long drink from it once it was placed in front of him.

Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp decided to visit the old Semper Fi for a couple of drinks and maybe a lucky Fraulein. Luckily, Otto was just coming off duty with his CO's permission to drink REAL booze made Otto a very happy individual. As Otto made his way through the crowd he spotted a couple of his other buddies from the 181st Raiders. "Who buys the first round?" Otto says with a smile to his friends.
some fun.

The word of a possible disturbance spread quickly. Edward left the bridge and headed for the epicenter of the issue, the Semper Fi Lounge. He wasn't alone. Walking through the Bar he was noticed. He was looking for the owner.

The Chief, flung a cup on ale around while still in hand getting it on several marines who were already perturbed by his loud nature. Standing, covered in the Chief drink, a Marine Sergeant along with members if his squad stood, feeling it was better to escort this man out, rather than keep a scene going, they approached him, ready to physically escort him out.

“Hey Chief….think you had enough for the night?†The Sergeant spoke as the Chief turned around slowly, now very disturbed that a Marine had the nerve to say something about his drinking habits to him. “Think you can mind your….own damn business for the night…Serge?â€

Hands down one of the worst things you can do is call a marine sergeant, a serge. It was a early insult to marines of the late 20th century, still used to day among fleeters to show, in some forums, disrespect. Stepping closer to put hands on the Chief, Yuri stepped between the two of them as the Chief hopped up out of his seat. Turning towards the Sergeant, Yuri held up his finger, singling him to hold for a brief second. Turning around to look at a very elaborated Chief he responded.

“What are you doing Chief….huh?….It’s time for you to go.†Snatching away from Yuri was a true test of his patients as he quickly responded. “Who do you think you are…huh?†Drunk and now very disruptive, the Chief began staring down the marines as Yuri was the only person between the Chief, and a small marine squad. As if on cue, a rushing and panic looked Ensign was breaking through the bar ranks as he made his way to Yuri. Rolling his eyes at how bad this was about to get, Yuri dropped his shoulders as one of his security officers approached and spoke. “Is there a problem here?â€

A shoving match began between the Chief and a young Corporal as Yuri quickly stopped the two trying to figure out why the Chief is trying to get into trouble tonight. Looking around, the face of a very familiar Captain approached the bar from the far end.


Fannin stood watching the Chief, it was obvious he was very intoxicated. He decided to to see if he could get his attention. "Hey chief, were ya from?"

The marines, quickly noticing that the Captain of the Starbase was talking to the Chief, stood down as they locked eyes on the Chief. Yuri, turning towards the Ensign began talking as a somewhat off-balance Chief began pushing and making his way towards the Captain. A drunk look of confusion, as if he was upset at such a question plagued his face.

Stopping just a few feet from a invisible security presence of the Captain, Chief Powell gawked at the Captain, shooing him away with his hand, all the while taking another drink. Watching this man, clearly and blatantly disrespect the Commanding Officer, one marine had enough. Walking up to Chief Powell, a Young Lance Corporal grabbed him by his arm and spoke.

“You ought to be ashamed of yourself Chief…I’m insulted that you wear a Starfleet uniform.â€

By this time, Yuri had instructed the Ensign to take Chief Powell to his quarters, turning to instruct the Chief Yuri made complete 360 looking for him. His hopes for a fairly peaceful night faded as he watched from a few feet the Chief yell and shove the Lance Corporal into a group of Marines.

The squad then rushed towards the Chief now ready to put an end to his drunk fasciae. Yuri grabbed the Sergeant in hopes of a last ditch effort, only to be met with a very quick fist to the left side of his jaw. The security Ensign, standing next to him, returned the punch on the Sergeant only to be tackled by two marines immediately after.

The commotion, grabbed the attention of Chief Powell who charged over to help Yuri and his Ensign, now fighting off three marines as others began to gather around. A fight had broken out, and it was getting ugly. Security officers in the area quickly tried to rush in, but the volley of orange colored uniforms only added to the confusion as more marines and security forces clashed.

Fannin nodded, he felt he had at least tried to defuse the situation. The situation had got beyond his control. Being a former Marine, and the current commander of the station he decided he would just sit back and watch the show. He tapped his combadge smiling.

"Commander Krang, your captain needs rescue." Edward laughed out loud and leaned on the bar...

Cole had been sitting in the security office when he received word of a disturbance in the Semper Fi Lounge. He strapped on his weapon a type two phaser biometric encoded to fire for him only and signaled several officers to follow. As he made his way to the Semper Fi he tapped his comm badge. "Russo to Krang, We have our selves a disturbance in the Marine Lounge. Sounds like the Jar Heads have gone all rowdy again, you want to meet me there."

Ensign Kran Maug moved over next to the Captain having just finished his first tankard of blood wine. "Would you like my assistance sir.?" he asked in his gruff voice.

Fannin took a drink the bartender sat up for him, "Nah, I'll be fine. These guys may need some help though."

Kran shrugged his shoulders and ordered another blood wine. "I hate it when people can't hold their drinks." he said and turned to watch the fun glad to be out of it for once.

Several marines went flying into the air jumping on security officers and vice versa. Chief Powell was throwing haymakers, hitting everyone who came in contact with him. Yuri had his hands full at the bar as he was trying to ward off two very persistent marine privates. His Ensign on the other hand wasn’t doing so hot as they had him in a full nelson, delivering punches to his rib cage. Yuri, determined to him, through the privates into each other and dashed over towards his submission entangled security officer.

A knock-out blow was about to be delivered to the Ensign when Yrui tackled the man and jumped up to help fend off more marines. Several members at the bar were grabbed by security officers in attempts check faces for cuts and bruises. One person, in particular, didn’t appreciate that as more fighting ensued. A nice water fountain would soon be home to both security and marines like as the fight spilled into the deeper parts of the lounge.



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