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A Cold Sense

Posted on Sun May 2nd, 2010 @ 4:45pm by Lieutenant JG Yuir Sidorov

348 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Starbase Typhon > Moving towards Medical


The lift opened as two security guards exited and secured sides of the hall way in preparation of a waiting prisoner. Since the effects of beaming unknown species was still new, and a unformatted transporter indented raised questions, it was now Starfleet’s protocol to transport by shuttle any unknown species to any away off the ship unit further testing concluded it was safe for them to be transported via other means. This meant Yuri and his security detachment would have to walk Vark as he called himself, into the arms of Starfleet Medical.

The security presence was noticeable as Yuri flanked by to officers, followed by the prisoner, shackled, followed by two more officers made there way through the back corridors of the back walkways of the Starbase. Vark, finding it a little difficult to keep up, looked out into the vastness of the dry-dock, overly impressed with the advances of the Federation, he spoke out loud.

“Our scouts gave you less credit than they should have, you a very advance group indeed.†Yuri stopped the armada and turned towards the alien. Since Yuri can remember being in Starfleet, sentinel being have been trying to kill off the human race with every waking breath. It was comments like that which exposed the underbelly of aliens like Vark, who cannot stand the fact that humans and humanoids are exploring and policing the galaxy. Walking next to Vark, Yuri spoke as they looked out a several federation ships resting in dry dock.

“I can assure you Vark…we may be a peace loving group, but we are no strangers to war, or ones dictating to us what acceptable peace is. I can only hope, that when the times comes for your people to make a choice, they choose with their minds, and not their armament.†Vark looked at Yuri as he turned away and began to start walking. The five of them continued on they way to a waiting medical team on one of the ships many decks.


Lieutenant (JG) Yuri Sidorov
Chief Security Officer
USS Blackhawk


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