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Posted on Thu May 27th, 2010 @ 10:53pm by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commodore Edward Fannin

725 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Captain's Ready Room, MAS Gladius


Wilhelm walked onto the Marine Assault Ship Gladius via one of the many umbilical corridors linking it to the station. Having to go through numerous security checkpoints Wilhelm enters the main hold of the Gladius. "Whoa...." Wilhelm says with a look around to all equipment stacked neatly around the hold. Wilhelm even notices the large shipping containers holding the new FOX and FOXL vehicles. "I'll be with you later..." Wilhelm says longingly to the containers. Making his way through the rest of the large ship, and only getting lost once, Wilhelm arrives at the Bridge of the Gladius. Hitting the chime to the Ready Room he hears a call to enter. "Captain Vickers? I'm the 21st's CO, Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg. Thanks for the ride by the way."

"Colonel Von Hackleburg, A pleasure to meet you, as you may have seen we're getting pretty full. Come in and have a seat." The old captain moved a pile of paperwork out of a chair and brushed it off.

"Thank you Captain." Wilhelm says taking the seat. "So how are things coming along?"

"Very well actually, your senior NCO's are doing a fantastic job of getting things loaded in, and as far as I can tell will have access to what they shall need first off at Exeter. I have been saving space on the flight deck for your support aircraft and brought you enough supplies to last your Regiment half a year of full combat operations."

"Well I hope it doesn't come to staying there that long. Though it's better to be overprepared then stripping wounded and killed friendly and enemies for ammo. That truly sucks... Anyways, I'm anticipating the Razors to be loaded within a couple of days once we get most of the 21st situated. When are you going to be ready to start loading troops and pilots?" Wilhelm asked.

"I have put out a time line. We can get them all loaded in Four hours. I suggest we start the troop loading immediately after the Razors are secured. Four hours and Thirty minutes later we lift off."

"Excellent. That'll work out just fine. Well if you'll excuse I have some other duties to attend to. Ohh, if you happen to talk to Captain Simmons on the MAS Cestus, give him my best. Him and his ship has saved my hyde more then a couple of times." Wilhelm said getting up.

"I'll be able to attend your briefing I hope once your aboard?"

"Of course Captain. After all we will be your guests."

"Wonderful, I'll light a fire under the crew and get them moving on loading the aircraft. I'm not sure if your aware Sir but this vessel has been equipped with planetary barrage drones, I hope they won't be needed but they can lower the terrain levels Two meters over quite a large area." The captain smiled.

"Ohh yes Captain I was aware of that little..... landscaping feature, like you said I hope we don't have to use it en masse, maybe a couple arty strikes here and there though."

"It's the best equipment for a hostile landing prep I've ever seen, Should you need it."

"How accurate are them drones by themselves? Dead-on-the-money or 50 plus meters down range?"

"Laser guided munitions, that's right on the money, has some smooth filters to, say you just want Aircraft, that's what it will hit, or say any structure with a wall thickness over Two feet..."

"Definately an improvement over what we did use. Those babies had a habit of going 50 meters wide!"

"As they say technology is our friend Sir..."

"True. Accept when there is so inconvient dampening fields." Wilhelm replied.

"There may be a way to jam them, I've got some new equipment on board that is still in the testing stage. Don't know anything about it but I hear it works on transmitting a field or shield to prevent or lesson the effects of the Dampener."

"That might be worth testing out, but we're bringing along the TR's just in case though."

"Sound planning colonel. I should be getting out the shuttle bay and get my crew started. Please let me know if you require any assistance."

"Of course Captain. Thank you again."


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Regiment
SB Typhon

Captain Ken Clayton
MAS Gladious, NPC


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