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Posted on Wed May 26th, 2010 @ 2:55pm by Commander Raven Adams & Captain Anna Johnson

536 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Ops
Timeline: Current


Morgan Damron's plans were coming together quite nicely. Damron City was complete and the first colonists were arriving on the starbase.

Now, she just needed to be sure that everything was set to transport her people to their new home.

She and her bodyguards walked to Anna's office to make sure there would be no hitches.

Anna was sitting at her desk looking over inventory list when her doors parted and the familiar group that followed Miss Damron entered. Anna leaned back picked up her mug and sipped it then set it back down on her desk. "What can I do for you today?" She asked.

"The first shuttles of followers have arrived on the starbase," Morgan informed her. "Quarters have been set aside for them. What I wish to know is if the shuttles to Damron City are ready to go?" She didn't want too much chaos on the station. The sooner she could get everyone to Tiberius V and their new home, the better.

"They are ready when you are. I've checked the reports and anything that looked questionable I fixed myself. Though my team is good they have your shuttles in top condition." Anna answered with a smile.

"Wonderful," Morgan cooed. She liked it when things ran smoothly. "Tomorrow there will be a gathering on the promenade. Morganna will bless the pilgrims and we will board the first shuttles to Damron City. There is a smaller colony a few kilometers away that will be New Mecca. Most of my people will be arriving in the next month."

"As long as I know when they are coming I will make sure they have housing if needed until the shuttle can get them there." Anna said. "Was there anything else you needed."

"No. I was just checking in," Morgan replied. "Damron Group has a number of quarters set aside for business. They will suit the current traffic levels, but thank you anyway."

She held out a hand and one of her bodyguards set a PADD in it. Morgan checked it over, made a few adjustments, and handed it to Anna. "Here's a list of flights in and requested flights out. It should give you all the information you need."

She stood and smiled at Anna. "That will be everything for now. Thank you."

"Barring any emergencies that may come up I'll do my best to make sure your flights get in and out as quickly and efficiently as possible." Anna said then returned the smile after taking the PADD.

Morgan bowed slightly. "Very good. Again, I thank you." She nodded to her two bodyguards and the three of them left Anna's office.

Anna watched as they left and shook her head. She hoped this woman was as good as she appeared on the outside but only time would tell. She stood and walked to her coffee pot and refilled her cup before going out to the station to check on things. There were a lot ships expected to come in and out of the station and she needed to make sure there was room for all of them.


Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations
Starbase Typhon

Morgan Damron
Damron Group
Starbase Typhon


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