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Posted on Fri May 14th, 2010 @ 3:07am by Commander Krang Darkmoon & Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Basil Hart

1,014 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder
Location: Site of the first body
Timeline: Current


Krang led the way as he and the Doctor approached the site of the first murder. "It's right over here." Krang said indicating the area that had several security officers standing near an area taped off with safety tape. "We found the body laying near the viewport here."

Basil unslung his medical tricorder and started scanning near where the body was indicated. Not even a blip showed up. There was absolutely no organic matter that did not belong to the victim. He raised his eyebrow, and adjusted his settings. A second, more intensive scan still revealed nothing. He frowned. "Are you sure that the cleanup crews haven't been through here, commander?"

Without waiting for a response, he broadened his scans and looked carefully for anything out of place. A small wall access panel was not flush with the bulkhead. He examined it more closely, carefully checking to see whether it was loose or not. The panel swung open, and the inside revealed smeared writing. It said simply, Hello Warren. "This looks like dried blood." Basil checked his tricorder. "It belongs to the victim. Who is Warren?" He looked at Krang with a puzzled expression.

"I don't know, Doctor. It doesn't mean anything to me right off the top of my head. I could run a search through the database, but there could be hundreds of matches on a station this size."

Basil frowned. "It's obvious that the victim didn't write this, as there is no trail of blood from the body to the writing inside the panel. We have to assume that the murderer wrote it. Then name Warren must have significance to the perpetrator. in the absence of any other forensic evidence, I would say we have learned all we can here. Let us move on to the scene of the second murder, shall we?" He looked at Krang again.

"Absolutely." Krang said. He nodded to his team and they hurried back to their duties. "It's quite a trip to the other scenes. Would you prefer to transport there and save time?"

"As you wish, commander." Basil said brightly.

A moment later, after arranging a site to site transport, Krang and the Doctor arrived at the scene of the second murder. "We found the body right over there." Krang said pointing. "The body was obviously staged and there was a numeral 2 written in the victim's blood near the body."

"Let's see if there's anything else to see." Basil began a thorough scan of the area.

"Lead the way, that's why I brought you out here." Krang said with a grunt. He had seen these crime scenes more than he wanted to over the past few days and was not a happy camper playing tour guide, but he knew it was a necessary evil.

Basil raised an eyebrow. There was a slightly lower ambient temperature around the area where the victim's body had been discovered. It was only a tenth of a degree, but the tricorder registered it. The number written in blood was still there. On a hunch, Basil adjusted the tricorder to filter out all but ultraviolet light and display light in that spectrum on the screen. "Aha!" he exclaimed. "Look there!" He showed the screen of his tricorder to Krang. The image of fluorescent words appeared as clear as day. They said simply: "Why not look to the yard for me?"

"The yard? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Krang mumbled to himself. "This guy calls me out by name, but then leaves me hints that don't mean anything to me." he said loud enough for Basil to hear.

Basil showed his tricorder to Krang, even though it wasn't necessary. He felt the air around him get noticeably colder. "Look at this, Krang. Have you ever seen readings like this before?"

Krang shook his head, "No, I haven't." then he asked, "Is it getting colder in here to you, or is it just me?"

Three feet behind Commander Darkmoon a metal bulkhead wall section collapsed creating a dent in the steel four inches deep in the shape of a human being... the sound was like an explosion and shook the entire area.. condensation in the air fell to the deck like a bucket of water. A deep voice sounded.

"HA,HA,HA, MY TIME IS SOON..." and it was gone.

Krang jumped and spun at the sound. His phaser was in his hand in a blink of an eye and he scanned the area hoping to catch some source for the commotion. After satisfying himself that who or what ever the source had been was actually gone, he turned to the doctor. "Are you ok? What did you see?"

Basil shook his head. "Were it not for the cold, I would say I just saw some very powerful telekinesis. But there are stories of entities that mimic what humans call "ghosts". I'm not sure. I had better analyze this tricorder data right away. Can we postpone our tour of the third murder site for now? I also need to examine those women's bodies." Basil was beginning to have a hunch, but he wanted to verify it before he went to the captain.

"I have no problem with that. I know that we N'Gagi have stories of angry spirits, but I always thought that was just stories told to scare the young. If you call it ghosts, then I think that may be what we just saw. Let me know as soon as you have more information from your scans."

As he turned to leave, another idea came to him. "Darkmoon to security. I want the arboretum closed and a guard posted at all entrances until further notice." he said after tapping his commbadge. Turning back to the doctor, "Until we know who or what that was, I am not taking any chances."

"Thank you, Commander Krang, I shall," Basil said as he hurried off in the direction of sickbay's morgue.


Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security Officer

Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer

Unnamed NPC (Fanin)


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