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Posted on Fri May 14th, 2010 @ 3:24am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Dhindara Vrel

771 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder
Location: Counsellor's Office
Timeline: current

[Counsellor's Office]

Don Gold entered the office and asked for Commander Vrel.

The young assistant smiled at him. "Go right through, she's expecting you", the blonde said.

Don smiled weakly and walked into the Counselor's office. "Hello Commander."

Dhindara pointed at the chair in front of her desk. "I don't have any good news for you, I'm afraid", she said. "I've gone through the list of telepaths that have been here this week and those who are able to do something like that didn't."

Don sat down in the chair. "I slept pretty hard, excuse me but I'm still a bit groggy. Whatever you gave me helped a lot. I was able to eat a good meal finally."

Dhindara smiled and replicated a cup of strong coffee for him. "This should help you wake up", she said. "Now, what I have found indicates that while those dreams have some exterior source, we might have to look a while back or for another type of stimulation." She handed him the coffee. "Can you describe in every detail that you remember the last dream you've had?"

"I was watching, strictly an observer it seemed. I was in a small alleyway. Dark and chilly and the buildings were very old. I saw several people walking about but it was late. Trying to get my bearing I had the feeling I was lost. A woman approached me asking if I wanted company. I asked her where I was and she giggled and told me I had "Too much to drink."

"Go on", Dhindara encouraged him. This did sound somewhat familiar, though she couldn't put her finger on it just yet.

"She smelled horrible, and I could understand her somewhat, I followed her to a small courtyard type square. She told me she needed some pence for her lodging and would give me "A Treat" for it. I immediately walked past her declining any 'treats'. There was more activity in the courtyard as it was bordered by a small pub or bar. I noticed several women standing around out side attempting to make some money from passing men. Most of the men I did see were dressed well and appeared to be quite well off. It was obvious to me they were hiding their agendas while at this location."

"To me that sounds like an old brothel", Dhindara replied. "Back in the days before advanced personal hygiene."

"It was just a few seconds later I heard whistles in the distance. Then more whistles from all around. Two policemen ran past me in the courtyard. Several people came out of the tavern and I followed them for several hundred yards to another small courtyard that was called Miller's Court. There were cries of Murder now and the area had been blocked off by the authorities."

Dhindara raised her eyebrow. "Have you been reading about Jack the Ripper recently?" she asked. "I recall the name, and the period you're describing would fit the general picture. It's a famous case that I was required to study at the Academy."

"I've heard of it, but thought it was a fairly tale for children, did that actually happen?"

"That actually happened, yes", Dhindara said. "It's a rather recent case, too. It was later found, about a century ago, that it was caused by an energy being that inhabited the bodies of different people. It was eventually defeated, after hundreds of years."

"That's just insane that a human was capable of destruction like that. Do you think it's returned?"

"Well, the human was just a vessel for the energy being, it takes control", Dhindara replied. "But the energy being was defeated a while ago, last century. However, there's no reason to assume only one of its kind existed." She leaned forward, looking at him. "I think this is a bit far fetched, but just to be on the safe side I'd like you to come to security with me, so we can check your DNA against any evidence that was collected at the recent murders."

"If you think that's necessary, sure. Will I be confined if there's any abnormalities? That fact would concern me."

"I don't know", Dhindara replied. "That's up to the security chief, probably the Captain. The thing is, if this admittedly far-fetched idea does ring true, confining you won't do us any good, as the energy being can wander from one individual to another with relative ease."

"I see, well I'm at your disposal Ma'am."

Dhindara stood and took three PADDs off her desk. "Good. Let's go."

=/\\= End of Transmission =/\\=

Commander Dhindara Vrel

Don Gold [NPC]
Troubled Soul


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