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Saying hello

Posted on Wed May 26th, 2010 @ 3:26am by Commander Raven Adams & Commander Ian Casey

1,349 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder
Timeline: Current


Raven had been so busy getting her department set up that she hadn't taken the opportunity to meet the rest of the senior staff.

Now that the research on the murders was done and a report filed, she again found herself with some free time.

So, she decided to head down to say hi to the wing commander.

She found his office easily enough and rang the chime.

"Enter," Ian replied as he shuffled through the PADDs looking for the maintenance schedule.

Raven walked in and took a quick look around the office. "Hi," she said when she saw Ian. "I'm Raven."

"Really?" Ian asked. "That's my call-sign," he said to her. He stood up and extended his hand, "Commander Ian Casey. Please have a seat. What can I do for you, Raven?"

Raven shook his hand, chuckling. "That is quite a coincidence, Commander." She took the proffered seat. "I stopped by to meet you. I haven't had a chance to get to this part of the station." She looked down at her grey uniform. "I'm in Intelligence."

"I see that," Ian said with a nod. "It's good to finally meet you. Our departments will be working closely together so it's not a bad idea for us to get to know each other." He paused and stood up. "May I offer you something to drink?"

"I'd love a glass of tomato juice," she replied. "Yes, I think we should get to know each other -- as long as I don't scare you off first."

Ian ordered the tomato juice for her and a cup of coffee for himself. "No offense, Raven," Ian said as he set the glass in front of her and sat down, "but I've been through too much in my career to be scared off by a grey uniform."

"Excellent!" she said with a grin. "Then I think we'll get along just fine." She took a sip of her juice and decided to throw in another comment, just to be sure she wouldn't have to worry about how he reacted to her in the future. "As long as you're good with coffins."

"Coffins?" he asked with a confused expression on his face.

Raven gave him an impish grin. "As long as we'll be working closely together, you should know that I sleep in a coffin." She chuckled softly. "It's really quite comfortable."

Ian looked at her for a moment then smiled and nodded. "That's rather...interesting. Some people would look at the cockpit of a fighter in the same way."

"You know, I'd never thought of a cockpit that way." Raven's chuckle turned into a cheerful laugh. "And interesting is one of the milder ways of looking at it. Most people think I'm nuts."

"I like to reserve judgment until I get to know someone better," Ian replied evenly.

Raven raised her glass to him in a salute. "You would make a good diplomat." She took another swallow. "I hope your opinion will be favorable when you get to know me better."

"I see no reason why it shouldn't be favorable," Ian replied. "The important issue is the quality of your work. If you provide good intel I see no reason why we can't get along."

"I'm very good at what I do," Raven assured him. "How about you? So far, I know your call sign."

"What else would you like to know?" he asked her, sitting back in his chair.

She gave him a slow once-over, an enigmatic smile on her face. "Well, I already know quite a bit -- it is my job, after all." She paused to finish her juice and set the empty glass on the table. "So, tell me something that won't be in your personnel file." She didn't want to admit to him that she liked the fact that he was a bit of a rebel. It meant they probably would get along quite well.

Ian thought for a moment and tried to think of something that wouldn't be available in his file. "I'm more adventurous than the Starfleet shrinks seem to think," he told her a moment later. "I'm always looking for new experiences and I'm not afraid to take chances."

"That sounds interesting," she said. "I'm not one to be cautious, either. I used to pilot a cargo ship to various planets. Those who were cautious didn't do very well." She felt safe admitting that much as it was in her official profile.

"So what do you do when you aren't spying on people and digging for secrets?" Ian asked her with an amused smile on his face.

Raven was glad she'd finished her drink as his comment made her laugh. "I don't spy," she said primly when she'd stopped laughing. "The computers do that for me." She sat back and looked at him through her lashes for a moment. "I like classic arena rock from Terra's 20th Century."

"Do just listen to it?" Ian asked. "Or do you play it? Sing it?"

"Yea," she said enigmatically.

"Is there anything else you enjoy doing?" Ian asked, choosing to avoid getting into a battle of wits with a spook.

"I read. I fly when I have the time," she replied. "Your turn."

"When I'm not working I like to read, play the violin and cook," he replied. "But you already knew that, didn't you?"

"I knew about the violin," she admitted. "I don't dig into someone's past unless there's a reason." She looked over at him. "A temper isn't a reason unless you've had a problem recently." She shrugged. "How well do you play the violin?"

"On a scale from 1 to 10 I would have to say I'm a 1....on a good day," Ian admitted. "I haven't been playing all that long and I've been trying to teach myself."

"There are some great holodeck programs for that," she said. "That's how I learned to play the guitar. Plus there's no one to hear you mess up -- until you're ready for an audience." She'd played a couple of times when she was a merchant trader. Since she'd joined Starfleet there hadn't been the opportunity -- outside of the holodeck.

"I've considered the holodeck but I don't think I'm ready for that yet," Ian replied. "Do you ever play anything by Metallica?" he asked her. "I've heard some of their music and it's quite enjoyable."

"I haven't tried Metallica. Bon Jovi, Heart, Styx, Boston, that's the type of music I prefer. Asia is amazing, too." She shook her head and chuckled. "Someone recreated the 1969 concert at Woodstock. I tried it once. It's not quite the same if you don't have a good friend with you."

"I'll try it with you." Ian said. "Some of the music from that era isn't that bad."

"I'd love to have you come with me... if you're sure. It's not just the music you have to worry about," she cautioned. That was a concert that defined a generation. For good and ill.

"I can handle it," Ian said with a smile. "When would you like to do it?"

Raven thought for a moment. "I'm free later tonight or tomorrow."

"I have nothing planned for tonight," he told her. "Why don't we meet later and head on over to the holodeck?"

"Sounds great. What time do you want to meet?" she asked.

"Whatever's convenient for you," Ian replied. "Things are under control around here so I can leave any time."

"Great. How about holodeck 7 at 1600 hours? Come dressed for the period."

"I'll see what I can do about the clothes but 1600 sounds fine to me," Ian said.

Raven stood and put her glass in the replicator and pressed the recycle button. "I look forward to it," she told him as she headed for the door.

Before she walked out she turned. "I think I'm going to enjoy getting to know you."

Ian looked at her and smiled. "I can see us being very good friends."


Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Oficer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Ian Casey
Air Group Commander
Starbase Typhon


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