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High Tea

Posted on Wed May 26th, 2010 @ 10:07am by Commander Raven Adams

892 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder
Location: Oriental Tea Room
Timeline: current


Samantha spent the first day on Typhon in meetings. Meetings about the Orion. Meetings about the Calypso and meetings about becoming the Commander of the Calypso.

She found she had a break about 4:00 in the afternoon. As she was walking along the promenade, she noticed a tea shop. She hadn't had a good High Tea since she was at Cambridge, so she decided to stop in and see if they were any good.

"Hello Captain Lady. You want tea, and maybe some foods?" The woman running the place asked.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I would love some tea. And maybe some food as well," Sam replied with a smile.

"Have a seat." The small asian woman said with a nod. "Pick tea and foods from menu."

Sam looked over the menu carefully. "I would love some cucumber and tomato sandwiches with a pot of rose tea and some scones, please."

"Very good." Aeshia said with a nod, attached to a short bow. She moved off to the stoves, and began brewing the tea, and preparing the sandwiches, and scones. "Is there anything else you want? Perhaps something strong for in tea?"

"What do you suggest?" Sam asked. She had nothing planned for the afternoon and might like just a dash of something.

"Have bourbon, which is also called whiskey. I not know the difference there. And some Vodka, and something new called 'Warp Coolant'. The rest of my alcohol isn't alcohol, but Synthehol." Aeshia noted. "Unless that was what you wanted. You not on duty, as you not stationed aboard Starbase."

"I'm not on duty, no, but I may have to work tonight, so I'll have a drop of synthehol," Sam said after a moment of consideration.

"Synthehol is replicated stock. Whatever you are hunting for, odds are, there is a bottle around here somewhere." Aeshia noted. "Any preferences?"

"I'll take a bottle for later," Sam compromised. "That way, if I have to pull bridge duty I'll have something for afterwards."

"Well, what you want, lady! I still waiting for an order." Aeshia countered.

"A bottle of scotch," Sam said.

"Oh. Scotch. I have this somewhere." She noted. "Let me serve you your tea, and foodstuffs and then I will go hunting."

Carefully balancing each item on a tray, she walked over to Sam, and carefully placed each item before her. "Enjoy this. I will go find something for you to enjoy later."

"Thank you," Sam said as the tea lady walked away. She carefully sampled each item, smiling happily as she did so. It had been far too long since she'd had a good tea.

She spent the next several minutes eating and watching the other patrons in the tea room. She liked to people watch. It helped her be able to read people.

When she was finished she sat back with a contented sigh.

"I only have one bottle of scotch. Father give it to me. You seem like nice lady, and this stuff too strong for me." She said, as she handed Sam the bottle. "You have. It is old." She added, pointing to the label, reading 2142

Sam took the bottle gently. "I am honored. Thank you." She set the bottle down gently and gave the woman another smile. "What do you have for dessert?"

"Ice cream. Gelato. A type of Andorian-berry pie. Any of the three on the same plate." Aeshia noted. She looked at the bottle. "It is gift. Someone wise once tell me that gifts befit people of importance. He did not tell me why, but I have never found it to be unwise to give nice people gifts. I just rarely find nice people here. The counselor on this base is mean, and does not like my sugar cookies."

"You are most kind," Sam said, touched by the gesture. "I would love some gelato. And some of your sugar cookies. They sound delicious."

Aeshia smiled. "We have peach, cherry, and starberry Gelato." She said, than frowned, and repeated it in Japanese. The translator came out with "Peach, cheery, and strawberry". "Sorry. My English is really not so good. I have many sugar cookies. Nobody else seem to want any today."

"I love sugar cookies, so I'll be happy to buy extra to have later with my scotch," Sam replied. It had been too long since she had home-baked cookies. "And some peach gelato, please." She found the tea lady to be quite charming, accent and all.

Aeshia smiled. "You always welcome here." She said with a smile. "I wish all my customers appreciate sugar cookies like you do."

Sam ate more sugar cookies and gelato that she probably should have, but she enjoyed them tremendously. "I will tell everyone on my ship what a wonderful Tea Room you have," she said when she was finished.

"As long as they respect it." Aeshia noted. "I am not very forgiving, or nice, when people are rude to my business place."

"I will tell them," Sam assured her. She thumbed the PADD to pay her bill, adding a generous tip. When she stood to leave she bowed to the woman. "Thank you for a lovely tea."

Aeshia bowed back. "Thank you for being a lovely lady."


Commander Samantha York
Commanding Officer,
USS Calypso

Aeshia Dew
Owner, and Operator
Oriental Tea Rooms
NPC'd by: Jaxara/Faron


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