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Posted on Tue Jun 1st, 2010 @ 4:52am by Commander Raven Adams & Commander Ian Casey

1,215 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder
Location: Holodeck 7
Timeline: Current


Raven dressed in a pair of faded bellbottom jeans, a leather fringe belt, leather sandals and a tie-dyed tank top with matching headband and headed for holodeck 7 to meet up with Ian.

The last time she'd tried this program she felt a little awkward as most people were in groups or pairs and she felt a little awkward. This time, she'd have someone she could talk to and relate to. Plus she liked Ian, so she expected this time to have a much better outcome.

Ian felt uncomfortable walking through the halls wearing blue jeans, tie-dyed shirt and leather vest. He kind of liked the glasses but the rest made him feel self-conscious. He smiled and felt better as he rounded the corner and saw Raven dressed similarly. "This had better be worth it," he said to her with mock annoyance.

She'd been watching for him. When she saw him round the corner she grinned. "I promise, if you're not happy, I'll make it up to you." She gave him an appreciative once-over, then turned to the door. "Computer, load Woodstock 1969. Open when ready."

After a moment, the computer beeped and the doors opened to reaveal a large field filled with thousands of hippies, cars and chaos. Somewhere ahead could be heard the sounds of a band playing.

Raven walked inside and turned to Ian. "Let's see what this place has to offer."

Ian surveyed the area and shook his head. He couldn't understand how these people had managed to make it to space. He turned his head a little, trying to identify the band that was playing but he was unfamiliar with most of the music from the era. Shaking his head he turned to Raven and said, "Lead the way."

She grabbed his hand so they wouldn't get separated and made her way to a small hill near the bandstand. "Do you like Janice Ian? The Rolling Stones?" she asked.

"I like some of the music the Rolling Stones did," Ian replied. "I'm not familiar with Janice Ian."

"Let's find a place to sit down and see what you think," Raven said as she led him to a patch of grass near a rock. Up on the hill there was less mud and they had a better view of the crowds. "Computer, go to the Rolling Stones." The scene shifted and the Stones began to set up for their set.

"Woodstock went for several days. It was called 'the great love-in.' It also boasted some of the greatest musicians of the time."

"I remember reading a little about it," Ian replied as he watched the crowd. "I'm not too good with ancient history though, so I may be a little vague on what's going on."

"I'm not so good on the history myself, but I am into the music of the time, and this weekend changed a generation and defined the culture." She looked around, pointing out a few groups of people. "Don't look too closely. This is a pretty accurate depiction, from what I've seen in the old documentaries. It was the height of the hippy movement. Sex, love and rock and roll were their creeds."

Raven was more interested in the music than the extra-curricular activities going on in some of the tents and vehicles. She carefully kept her eyes carefully focused on the band.

Ian casually looked around the area and smiled. It was hard to believe people could act like that in public. He concentrated on the music for a while then looked around again, sniffing the air. "What's that smell?"

"Umm." Raven looked uncomfortable. "Probably pot." She didn't want to think about the other smells. "We can leave any time you want. We've heard the Stones, the Doors and Janice Joplin. I don't care if we miss Willy Nelson."

"Trying to get rid of me so soon?" Ian asked with a wink. "This is fun. I'm glad I came."

"I'm not trying to get rid of you," she assured him with a grin. "I didn't think you were enjoying yourself." Some of the music was a bit too hippy for her tastes, but some of it was great. The Mamas and the Papas were coming up soon...

"This is fascinating," Ian replied, looking around the area again. "I've always enjoyed seeing how people in the past lived their lives. Besides," he said, looking at her, "the company is enjoyable."

Raven chuckled. "You say that now. You just met me. Trust me, I've earned my reputation for being unique."

"I'm willing to take my chances," he said to her. "There are worse things than being friends with a unique person."

"I promise to behave," she said, chuckling. Another group came on the stage and she turned her attention to them.

Ian looked at her and smiled. "I never knew how entertaining the music of this era truly was," he said to her as he leaned back and closed his eyes.

"Mm hmm," Raven agreed. "It's like the decade itself. Pivotal, evocative, radical and sometimes absolutely amazing." She sat quietly for a while, listening to the music. Ian appeared to be enjoying himself and she didn't want to disrupt the music. After a few songs she lay back against the rock to get more comfortable.

Ian rolled on his side to look at Raven. "What else did they do at this event?"

"Just about everything," she said, shaking her head. "A lot of drugs. A lot of hanky panky. A lot of music."

"I see that," Ian said as he looked around at the others. "I almost feel out of place sitting here while everyone else is doing all of that."

"At least the person who created the program kept most of it out of site," Raven said. "As I said before, it's nice to have someone else to talk to so I don't feel... awkward sitting here listening to the music."

"If you ever need company again I'd be happy to come back to this," Ian said to her. "I think I've had enough though."

"Computer, end program," Raven said, standing up. "I'm not sure if I'll be coming back. It was interesting --but I can only take so much of the hippy movement. They're a little -- disturbing."

"Next time we'll have to try a 'normal' program," Ian suggested.

"Agreed!" Raven laughed. "Thank you for coming with me. I appreciate it."

"I had fun," he said to her. "Anytime you want to do this again just let me know."

She glanced at the grid. "Not suer I'm going to do this again." She shook her head. "It was great hearing some of the groups, but I much prefer arena rock. Bon Jovi, Asia, Styx." She chuckled. "Then there's Barenaked Ladies."

"We can try one of them next time," Ian said with a smile. "It would be interesting to do a comparison."

Raven thought about that for a moment. "Yes, it would be interesting. Next time."

Ian nodded and turned to walk to the door.

Raven paused for a moment, then followed.


Commander Ian Casey
Air Group Commander
Starbase Typhon

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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