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The Tea Lady and the Shrink

Posted on Tue Jun 15th, 2010 @ 7:59am by Commander Dhindara Vrel

514 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Oriental Tea Room
Timeline: current

[Oriental Tea Room]

A day after the incident Dhindara walked into the oriental tea room again. She looked around to see how many customers there were, then decided it was quiet enough to have her chat with Aeshia. She approached the counter, smiling at the much shorter woman. "Good afternoon. I was hoping we could have a little chat, I've come to check up on you."

She frowned. "Oh you." She said, slightly annoyed. "You want tea, or just here to harass me?"

"How about a little of both?" Dhindara suggested, "Let's have some tea and sit down. Place looks quiet enough. I just want to talk to you for a bit."

Aeshia shook her head. "After being insulted like that, I not want to deal with you."

"What makes you say I insulted you?" Dhindara asked.

"You and your friends. You bring outside food into this establishment. You not even ask if it okay first! You just bring it out, like this place of business deserves no respect! Is rude and disrespectful!" Aeshia said, barely keeping herself restrained.

"It's not much of an issue in most places", Dhindara explained. "It's not like it is to say one doesn't appreciate what you serve." She leaned her elbows on the counter. "I'm just a little worried about your outburst. These officers meant no harm, and you about blew up."

"There is sign. Right there." Aeshia said, pointing. "It is considered a great insult to Japanese people. That is why sign is there."

"Hmm, not everyone reads signs", Dhindara said, more as an explanation rather than in defence. "I'm not questioning your set of house rules, you know? It's your reaction to them being broken that I find a bit extreme."

"This is my place of business. This is how I make income. You not like my actions? That your problem. I'm not accustomed to having people treat business establishments with such lack of respect." Aeshia noted. "Be glad I'm not Klingon. I hear they challenge to the death over such disrespectful actions."

"If you had done any of that you'd be in the brig right now", Dhindara replied. "Make no mistake, I'm not trying to tell you how to run your business. I'm expecting of you to not become a fury when someone neglects to observe a rule of yours. That sort of behaviour is what makes people lose control and murder one another, and I think one murderer on the starbase is plenty enough right now."

"There have been murders on Base?" Aeshia asked, disturbed. "Regardless, we put signs up. People should read signs. I not held responsible for human stupidity."

"Yes, there have been murders that are currently investigated", Dhindara responded. "I'm surprised you haven't heard. It's already widely discussed." She then offered, "How about you are a little more restrained in your reactions in the future, and I won't pester you any more?"

"Good. I try behave, you go away." Aeshia said, and turned away, to deal with a customer who entered. "Not return."


Commander Dhindara Vrel

Aeshia Dew((NPC'd by Lenar))


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