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Dinner and a Movie - Part 1

Posted on Wed Jun 16th, 2010 @ 3:59am by Commander Ian Casey & Captain Anna Johnson

936 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Johnson Quarters

Ian had a little time to himself and tried to decide what he should do with it. He smiled to himself and walked out of his office. Several minutes later he walked into the Operations center and looked around. He wasn't sure if Anna would be here or not. He stood near the door and looked around.

Anna stepped out of her office with a fresh cup of coffee in hand when she noticed a different face in operations and smiled. "Mister Casey, what I can I do for you today?" Anna asked.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Ian said to her. "I had some free time and thought I'd stop by and see how you were doing."

"I'm doing pretty well. I was getting ready to go met my sister to walk her from class to our quarters. You are welcome to walk with me if you like." Anna said.

"I would like that," Ian replied with a smile. "Do you think she'll mind?"

"She won't mind meeting you. I'm not sure how she might react to an even bigger escort. I just don't feel safe letting her walk around the base alone right now." Anna said.

"That's understandable," Ian replied. "How is she doing?"

"She's doing okay everything considered. Her and Elenore seem to be adjusting to the Starbase okay." Anna said.

"Good to hear," Ian said to her. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm doing well. My brothers try to check in once a week from the academy. They are doing well there. I'm doing my best to balance work and time with my sister and still have some time for myself." Anna said. "How are you adjusting to being here?" She asked.

"The air group is coming along nicely," Ian replied. "We'll be back to full operational status in the next 2 or 3 weeks."

"If you need any supplies let me know." Anna said as they arrived outside the class room.

Jana came out dressed in black her hair was black with dark pink highlights today and she had red-black lipstick on along with thick eye liner. "How was your day?" Anna asked.

"It was good we had finals for the grading period today. I should know how I did in a couple of days. We the next week off." Jana answered.

"I'll have to see about getting one day off so we can do something on the holodeck then. By the way this is Commander Ian Casey. He's the one I was planing on having over for dinner one evening." Anna said.

Jana nodded and smiled, "Tonight works for me if it does for him." she said.

Ian took a moment to look at the young woman's unusual appearance. "I'm available this evening, but I don't want to impose on such short notice."

"It's not imposing if you are being invited." Anna said.

"In that case I would love to," Ian said with a nod. "It's been a while since I've had company during dinner."

"We usually tag team pretty well." Jana said. "Is there anything in particular that is your favorite?" She asked.

While they walked and talked Anna's eyes were constantly scanning the area around them.

"I love pasta," Ian said to her. He started to say something else then paused as he noticed Anna's behavior. "Is there a problem?" he asked her.

"Just making sure we all are safe that's all." Anna said.

"I think we could do some veggie lasagna for tonight then. Though it will be mostly replicated." Jana said watching Anna.

"Safe from what?" Ian asked, looking around the area.

"Have you not heard about the murders that have happened?" Anna asked a bit surprised since he was a department head he should have been notified.

"Yes," he said to her. "I just don't think there's much to worry about in this area. Besides," he said, looking at her, "I'm here and I won't let anything happen to the two of you."

Anna nodded, "Maybe there isn't but I'd rather be safe than sorry. We've already lost both our parents. All we have is each other." She said and pressed the button to wait for the lift.

Ian moved to stand between the women and the rest of the corridor. He wasn't sure how much he would be able to do for them but he was determined to do everything he could to keep them safe.

The doors opened and they stepped inside, "Really Anna I think you worry too much. I'll be fine." Jana said.

Anna didn't answer instead she simply spoke, "Deck 24," And waited for the lift to move them to their quarters.

Ian felt a little uncomfortable as he stood beside the women. He felt like he should do more to help Anna but he didn't know what he could do. "Did anything exciting happen today, Jana?" he asked, trying to lighten the tension in the lift.

"We just had our finals for the year. We get the next couple of weeks off. Other than that nothing really though Sean talked to me for the first time today." She said her eyes twinkling.

"How did you do on your finals?" he asked her.

"I think I did okay, I'll know for sure by the end of the week." Jana said, "That's when I should get notice of my grades."

They reached their quarters and Anna keyed the door open, "Come on in while we get things ready." Anna said.

To Be Continued....


Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations/Second Officer

Commander Ian Casey
Air Group Commander
SB Typhon

Jana Johnson


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