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A Gift of Thanks, part 1

Posted on Wed Jun 16th, 2010 @ 8:16am by Commander Raven Adams & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

991 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder
Location: Trans Galaactic Trading
Timeline: Current


It had been two days since the Ambassadorial luncheon and Miral wanted to thank Khiy for making the function bearable.

It took her a day to find something she hoped he would like and have it carefully packaged for her.

Gift in hand, she walked into the office of his company.

"Hello," she said to the girl behind the desk. Is Mr. Tal'ehrihn in?"

Aliana smiled warmly and stood to great the guest. "Ambassador Annhwi, it's a pleasure to see you again." She flashed a glance down at the package the ambassador was holding before looking back to her. Aliana had been warned about people bringing packages into Mr. Tal'erihn's office however; she quickly dismissed the idea of foul play due to the political ramifications of a diplomat going into his office. "Let me check if he is available." She turned her attention to the panel by her desk and noted the information on it before toggling the 'priority client' button on the pad. The response was almost instant. "He just finished up with a client, you may go right in." She finished with a smile.

"Aliana, correct?" Miral asked with a smile. "Thank you, Aliana." She walked through the door in the back and down to Khiy's door. It was closed, so she knocked and waited for him to admit her.

Khiy was busy filing away the information he had just received from one of his long-standing customers when he reached over and pressed the button to open the door. "Come in." He said while stuffing away the last of the PADD's.

Miral walked in and smiled at Khiy. "Thank you for taking the time to see me, Mr. Tal'ehrihn," she said quietly.

Khiy was pleasantly surprised to see who his visitor was. The 'priority client' indication from the front desk was sadly devoid of information, a problem he would be rectifying in short order.

He waved his hand through the air dismissively "I think we can do away with that; just call me Khiy...or whatever expletive suits the occasion." He grinned widely at the jest. "Please, have a seat." He gestured to the couches and stood from his desk. "Rose tea was it?" He asked remembering the beverage she requested the last time she was in his office. "Can I get you a cup?"

She liked his name. "I prefer Khiy -- as long as you call me Miral," she said, walking over to the couch. "I would like a cup, thank you." she said as she sat down. She was impressed that memory. She set her box on the table and watched him.

It only took a moment for the replicated drink to appear. Unlike his normal routine with people entering his office, he declined from getting a drink himself from his cabinet. Instead, he retrieved the drink and placed it in front of her before taking his seat. He noticed the package but decided not to acknowledge it.

"It's good to see you again. I had begun to worry if I had said something to offend you the other night." He said, recalling the party.

435-650-4043She was not comfortable being the only one with a drink. But, since he had replicated her tea, it was rude to let it just sit there. She picked up her cup and took a sip before setting it down again. "You did not offend me," she continued. "Quite the contrary. I normally find those functions tedious. You made it interesting and for that I thank you." She also found his company enjoyable -- a fact she was not ready to admit. "In fact," she said, "I brought you a thank you gift." She picked up the box and handed it to him. "A Terran delicacy. I was told it is a rare delicacy."

Khiy looked at the box suspiciously for a moment before smiling. 'Gifts' were never given freely in his experience and in most cases they often preceded a request that he was sure not to be favourable of. He knew that normal people gave them without recourse, but he was finding his natural inclinations were difficult to give up.

He reached down and peeled the packaging away in layers until he reached the item. It was a small bottle containing what looked to be a black substance. The smile turned into a genuine one. He had on a few occasions in the past eaten this type of food and found it delightful with the right crackers.

"Caviar?" He said while reading the rest of the label.

"I hope it is to your liking," Miral said. There was just a touch of hesitancy in her voice, though it was barely discernable. She didn't give gifts often. And then it was because it was expected of her. Giving a gift of thanks was a unique experience.

He nodded as he stood up from his seat. "It is." He walked back over to the replicator and ordered some rice crackers and a small spoon. They appeared on a plate which he lifted and brought back over to Miral. "The best gifts are the one that are used." He grinned.

He twisted the cap off the caviar and placed the bottle back on the table. Taking the spoon, he dipped it into the container and pulled out a small amount of the delicacy then spread it on one of the crackers. He admired it for a moment before tossing the whole cracker into his mouth. He bit down on it and enjoyed the complimenting flavours, savouring it.

"Please." He said after finishing the cracker. He motioned towards the crackers and caviar.

Miral hesitated for a moment, then followed Khiy's actions. She took a small amount out of the bottle and spread it on a cracker, then put the cracker in her mouth and bit down.

(To be continued...)

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
TransGalactic Trading

Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi (NPC)
Romulan Ambassador


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