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Dinner and a Movie - Part 3

Posted on Wed Jun 16th, 2010 @ 4:01am by Commander Ian Casey & Captain Anna Johnson

1,019 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Johnson Quarters
Timeline: Immediately After 'Dinner and a Movie - Part 2'

"You haven't had dessert yet." Jana said and moved over to the cooler and pulled out a cheese cake, "I can't take credit for this one. We found a bakery that sells great desserts and we buy them from time to time."

"I love cheesecake," Ian replied, looking at the dessert. "I can stay as long as that dessert lasts," he added with a smile.

Jana smiled, "I thought so."

"And I enjoy the company," he added, looking at Anna.

"Do you drink coffee?" Anna asked.

"Yes, I do," Ian replied. "I probably drink more of it than I should."

"You can't possibly drink as much as I do." Anna said as she put a pot of coffee on to brew and the aroma of it filled the cabin.

"That almost sounds like a challenge," Ian said with a wink.

"Not a challenge simple fact." Anna answered with a grin.

Jana shook her head, "I'm staying out of this one." She said and cut the cheese cake into slices.

"Maybe we'll have to keep track and see?" he said with a smile as he looked at the cheesecake again.

Anna set out cream and sugar on the counter then poured three cups of coffee. Jana handed Ian a slice of the dessert and grabbed her cup adding cream and just a small amount of sugar.

Anna put just cream in hers and grabbed her plate.

Ian took the plate in front of him and sipped his coffee black.

"So are you like me and stay busy enough there isn't much time for moments like this or do you have a lot of friends you hang out with?" Anna asked not wanting there to be a moment of awkward silence.

"Most of my spare time is spent alone in my quarters," Ian said, looking down at his coffee.

"That's not good, everyone needs a friend." Anna said.

"I'll have to get out more then," Ian said to her. "Maybe I can find someone to spend my time with."

"You can hang out with us when ever you like." Jana said.

Ian looked at Jana and smiled. "That sounds great, but I don't know if I should."

"Why not?" Jana asked.

Ian leaned closer to Jana and whispered, "I'm attracted to your sister."

Jana grinned, and whispered back, "I kind of had a feeling about that which is why I suggested it." then she winked.

Anna looked at the two and noticed their voices had dropped to a whisper, "You know its rude to whisper when someone else is in the room." She said but her tone was teasing.

"Sorry," Ian said, looking at Anna and blushing a little.

"What are you two talking about anyway?" Anna asked before sipping her coffee.

Jana looked toward Ian, "Nothing really sis just chill."

"So what do you two have planned for tomorrow?" Ian asked, trying to change the subject.

"I'm going to sleep in." Jana said, "Then check on my scores. Maybe do some shopping if Anna will let me."

"I have the day off so I might sleep in myself." Anna said with a smile, "What about you?"

"I still have a few reports to finish," Ian said to her. "So I don't think I'll be sleeping in tomorrow."

"I meant other than work actually," Anna said.

"I have nothing else planned for tomorrow," he said to her. "Would you like to get together again once I get my reports finished?"

"That sounds like a good idea." Anna said, "We'll have to think of something fun to come up with." She added with a smile.

"Anything you feel like doing is fine with me," Ian said with a smile.

"We'll think of something I'm sure." Anna said and Jana nodded in agreement.

"I should probably go," he said to them. "I'd rather not wear out my welcome so soon."

"If you feel you need to I understand but you are not wearing out your welcome." Anna said.

"Are you sure?" Ian asked, looking at her. He really didn't want to leave but he didn't want to stay too long either.

"We can put on a movie or play some kind of board game or something if you like," Jana said as she started to clear the plates from the table.

"A movie sounds nice," Ian said to her. "Especially considering we were just talking about that."

"Great," Jana said, "I'll replicate some pop corn and soda maybe some gummy bears. Is there anything you like to have while watching a movie?" She asked.

"Popcorn and something to drink is all I need," Ian said to her.

Anna said nothing but shook her head a bit and smiled as he searched the data base. "Are you in the mood for a certain kind of movie tonight?" She asked Ian.

"A comedy?" he suggested. "Anything you two are in the mood for is fine with me, though."

"I think we should introduce him to 'The Princess Bride'" Jana said with a smile setting the bowl of pop corn and colas on the table.

Anna nodded, "I think that could work." She said.

Ian smiled and moved to sit on the sofa. "It better be good," he teased.

"It's one of our favorites." Anna said.

"Are we ready then?" Ian asked. He was anxious to see if the movie was really as good as they said it was.

Jana nodded and the holo-emitters formed a screen on the wall and the movie started playing as the lights dimmed. Jana made sure the snacks were within reach and thought to herself. ~This could be fun.~

Ian reached for some of the popcorn and shifted to make himself more comfortable as he waited for the movie to start.

As the movie starts a boy sits in is bed coughing and playing games. Soon his grandfather comes over to read him a story in hopes of helping him feel better. Then the main part of the movie begins.


Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations/Second Officer

Commander Ian Casey
Air Group Commander
SB Typhon

Jana Johnson


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