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Overdue Follow-Up Appointment

Posted on Tue Jul 27th, 2010 @ 4:14pm by Commander Lucas Jackson & Commander Basil Hart

538 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Main Sickbay
Timeline: Current

"...Doc?" Lucas Jackson sheepishly said as he entered Basil's main office. "I know I'm a bit late for my follow-up, but I'm here now..." Luke put on a grim face, knowing that the doctor would not be pleased with him. He had been avoiding Basil for at least a month now. The science officer knew how important it was to follow-through with the appointment, but Luke just couldn't get himself to go.

Basil looked up. "Ah, Mr. Jackson. I've been expecting you... for some time." He quirked an eyebrow, showing mild annoyance, then let it go. "Come sit on the bio-bed and we'll have a look at you to see if you've been following doctor's orders."

"Oh, I assure you, I've followed orders exactly," Luke said nervously as he walked over to the bio-bed. "I've had full doses of potassium, eating bananas and such every moment I get. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, the works!"

"I'm glad to hear it, Luke. I just hope that your sense of timing won't lapse the nest time we set an appointment for you..." He winked, letting Luke know that while he was treating the incident lightly, it could have had serious consequences. Checking the readings on the bio-bed, he could see that Luke was indeed making progress. "Well, Commander, it looks like you are on the mend. If you follow your regimen as faithfully as you have been, you'll do quite well. Get a little extra rest between now and our next appointment. Sleep deprivation will completely undo what we have accomplished. Other than that, I'll expect to see you in a month from now."

Wow, Luke thought in his head, that was a really quick follow-up. If I knew it would have only taken this long, I would have come in ages ago. Lucas outwardly laughed, but then stopped upon realizing no one else would know why. "I do have one more thing, Doc...if you don't mind."

"Certainly, Commander, what is it?" Basil smiled pleasantly at him.

"Well," Luke said timidly, "I've been getting these really horrible muscle cramps lately that prohibit me from doing anything...Is there anything I could take to help relieve them?"

Basil ran a Feinberger over his patient. "It looks like there is a large buildup of lactic acid in your abdominal sheath. Been overdoing it on the sit-ups?" He smiled at Luke. There didn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary.

"Oh..." Lucas said with a blank-look on his face. "I've just been doing the normal hundred in the morning, hundred in the afternoon and hundred in the evening...I guess I'll cut down a little bit if I must." Luke looked down at the floor that up at Basil. He twitched his head and again realized that he was in a sickbay. "Well, I'll see you in a month, Doc!"

Basil looked at the Feinberger readings again and found nothing wrong. "OK, Luke, just increase your potassium intake for a while. See you next month.

With that, Commander Jackson jumped up from bio-bed and ran for the door.


Commander Lucas Jackson
Chief Science Officer
USB Typhon

Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer
USB Typhon


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