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A Gift of Thanks, part 3

Posted on Tue Jun 22nd, 2010 @ 6:44am by Commander Raven Adams & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

786 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder
Location: Trans Galactic Trading
Timeline: Current



'"I'm sure we do," Miral said, laughing. In many ways, she envied Khiy separation from the Romulan Star Empire. She finished her tea and set the cup on the table. "I don't want to take up too much of your time..."


"No, I really don't mind the visit." Came his quick response, surprising even Khiy himself. "It's been a while since I could just sit and talk."

Miral found that surprising. "For me, yes. Everyone I talk to is after something. But you? As a businessman, you surely have friends," she said. She paused, looking mildly surprised. She rarely spoke her mind without thinking first. "Forgive me. I should not have spoken so." She was beginning to like this man. She could relax around him, and that scared her.

She was still not ready to believe that he wasn't just speaking platitudes to her. She stood. "Thank you again for your time."

"My time was well spent." He said with a smile as he stood. "Thank you for the gift, it was...unexpected."

"As was mine," she said, giving him a genuine smile. "Your company is welcome any time." She gave him a formal bow and headed for the door.

Khiy was watching her as she walked away when a thought suddenly entered his mind. "Have you ever been to a terran opera before?" He asked as she was about to leave.

Miral stopped and turned to face him. "Terran opera? No. I've heard of it, but I've never actually attended one." It was not available on a bird of prey, and she had little inclination to attend such events on her own now that she was on the starbase.

"Well," Khiy started as a plan began to form in his head "I was given tickets for the event that I had planned to pass on to some clients. Since I haven't offered them up yet, I wonder if you might accompany me there. I've always wondered how Terran opera stands up to the Rihannsu's. I could use another's opinion on the matter." He finished with a smile.

Miral was wary of his reason, but she enjoyed his company and was genuinely curious about Terran opera. "I would like to go with you," she said quietly.

"Excellent!" He said as the ramifications of what he just asked her started to become clear in his mind. This wasn't exactly his best attempt at keeping her at arms length. He had committed himself now, though, best to see it through. Perhaps he might glean what her intentions are.

"I'll send along an invitation with the details on it shortly." His hands closed together in a quick clap.

"All right," she replied, her expression again growing guarded as Khiy returned to what she considered 'business mode.' "I will await your invitation." She bowed formally. "Thank you again for your time."

Khiy smiled. "Thank you for the visit, the gift is appreciated." He tipped his head to the side respectfully.

She walked to the door, then turned and bowed again. "Until our next meeting." As all her encounters with Khiy, it had not gone as she'd expected. The man was an enigma. Unfortunately for her, she had always been interested in puzzles.

Once Miral had left the room Khiy’s smiled faded into a frown as he considered what this new encounter meant. His life was built on strategy and out thinking his opponent before they could strike. The problem in this case was that he had serious misgivings about whether she was someone to be wary of. The last few encounters she seems sincere and honest in contrast to what he expected. This concept wasn’t easy to resolve in his mind.

He walked back to his chair and thumped back on it roughly, forcing it back a number of inches. His arm rested on the chair as his hand came up to rub his chin.

What if she was sincere? Could he really afford to have a friendship with her considering her position? What lines should he draw, if any? How far could she be trusted?

He sighed and ran his hand over his face as he considered the questions running through his head. When he pulled down his hand his eyes suddenly rested upon the opened bottle of caviar Miral left. One thing was for sure, the gift meant something.

Khiy’s eyes scrutinised the caviar from across the room. His head tilted to the side as he spoke quietly to no one but himself. “What are you? A peace offering or a Trojan horse...?â€


Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Trans Galactic Trading
Starbase Typhon

Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi (NPC)
Romulan Ambassador
Starbase Typhon


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