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The Return of Jack

Posted on Wed Jun 23rd, 2010 @ 9:57pm by Commander Jack Tolren & Captain Anna Johnson

623 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Operations Room, Starbase Typhon
Timeline: Current

The journey from Earth had taken several days, not particularly uncomfortable days for Jack, aboard the USS Illustrious, a Sovereign-Class starship tasked out to the far edge of space, but neither were they particularly interesting. He had exhausted the holodecks, finished his assignment for the course he had completed and was looking forward to getting back down to work.

He arrived at Typhon at 0700 and made his way directly to Operations. He had received news that Captain Fannin was off the station dealing with something or other, and needed to check in with Commander Johnson as soon as possible, first to get an update of what he had missed in the last few months, and second to start work.

He located Anna in the centre of the Ops Room doing exactly what she was meant to do, managing the station's operations.

"Good morning, Commander," he greeted her, noting the promotion which had occurred in his absence. "And congratulations."

Anna smiled, "Thank you sir. I hope you had a safe and uneventful trip here." She said.

"Particularly uneventful," he replied, also smiling. "Although it was also particularly safe."

He took a glance around before commenting, "you appear to have held the fort up well. If you've got time I could use an update."

Anna nodded and pointed toward her office. One of her officers immediately took her place at the station as she grabbed her empty mug and headed that way. "Do you want some coffee while we talk?" Anna asked filling her own cup as she spoke.

"Why not," Jack replied, following her to the coffee.

Anna poured a second cup of coffee and handed it to Jack and motioned to the cream and sugar that was beside the pot. "I guess the biggest thing you need to know about as it is still an on going investigation, there have been three murders. Preliminary reports show they are shadowing the style of Jack the Ripper. We don't have a lot to go on but are working to keep things quiet and business as usual as much as we can." Anna said.

"I take it Krang is heading up that investigation?" he asked, after taking a sip of the warm coffee.

"He is. Doctor Hart, Raven and Dhindara are also helping with autopsy work and profiling." Anna answered. "The marines are on a training exercise and everything else around here is fairly quiet. I almost forgot while you were away my mother died, my sister was only fifteen so she is now living here with me."

"I'm sorry to here that..." Jack responded, and then realised he could easily confuse someone. "About your mother I mean, not your sister being here, I would imagine that's good news - if it wasn't for the murders."

He paused for a moment, before continuing, avoiding any awkward silence, "I'll check in with security on their progress then, do you think it's worth a quick staff meeting just to make sure everyone's on the same page?"

"I know both Captain Fannin and I have been staying in touch with the departments but a staff meeting couldn't hurt to let everyone know you have returned." Anna answered.

"Right, I'll arrange one for this afternoon," Jack replied. "Is there anything specific, other than the murders, I need to catch up on?"

"Just that and the marines being out on a run of the system. Everything else can be addressed in the meeting by the department heads." Anna said with a smile.

"Excellent, I'll go and make sure my office is still in one piece then, I'll see you this afternoon," Jack concluded.

Anna nodded, "See you then." She replied.

Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations

Commander Jack Tolren
Executive Officer


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