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A Day at the Spa

Posted on Sat Jun 26th, 2010 @ 2:05am by Commander Raven Adams

1,487 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder
Location: Xanadu
Timeline: Curent


Samantha wanted to treat her female senior staff to a day at a spa on Typhon. There was a spa and juice bar called the Xanadu that sounded interesting.

Sam sent out the invitations and made a reservation.

When the day arrived, she was the first to arrive at the spa to make sure everything was set.

Kalyka and Nia arrived first, followed by a beautiful young black woman with an elaborate hairstyle and a Betazoid that apparently liked to show off her curves. The four of them met at the door and noticed they were all from the Calypso before trying to find the captain.

"Do you know where she is?" asked the Betazoid.

~Over here,~ Sam sent to the Betazoid. She stepped out of a room so they could see her.

Nava arrived shortly after the others, a spa treatment was a new concept to her so this would be an interesting experience. Stopping at the front door of the Xanadu, Nava looked around for the Captain and was taking in the surroundings of the spa the unusual scents and the atmosphere.

"Hi, Nava!" Sam greeted. "I'm glad you could join us."

Nava walked over to Sam "It is an interesting endeavor." She said "We have similar things on Feringar however they tend to be a bit more shady than this." She said "So what exactly are we supposed to do?" She asked.

"I'll explain when the others get here," Sam assured her.

Erin arrived shortly after Nava, looking around and walking over to the group.
''Hi guys.'' She greeted cheerfully, looking around in confusion.
Like Nava, this was her first time near a spa, so she was a little apprehensive.
''This may sound a little odd, but I've never actually been to a leisure centre before. What do we... do?''

Sam grinned. "I'd like you to meet Kira Martin. She's the owner of Xanadu."

Kira smiled at the women. She spoke in a soft Australian accent. " I'm glad you could come here. Xanadu has a lot to offer. We have workout rooms where you can take disco classes -- with or without roller skates; aerobics; lyric dance or just work out in the fitness room. We also have mud baths, saunas and a massage and physical therapy room. You can follow that up with our salad and juice bar. Everything in the place is available to you for today. Let me know what you'd like and I'll make the arrangements."

Erin's eyes were as wide as they could get.
''Wow..'' Was all she said for a few seconds. ''Skipper, you are a genius.''

"You've all had a rough few days. You deserve some pampering," Sam replied, grinning. "Any questions you have, ask Kira or one of her assistants. As for me, I think I'm going to start with a massage and go from there."

Kalyka smiled. "I think a mud bath with Ktarian chocolate..." she wandered off, Nia right behind her grinning like a kid in a candy shop.

The Betazoid looked at the dark woman. "What do you think, Nicki?"

Dominique looked her. "A massage would be great." She looked at the Kazon and said, "Would you care to join us, Counselor?"

Erin nodded eagerly. ''It sounds great.'' She admitted with a smile, looking around. ''Which way?''

A woman beckoned to them and they followed. When being told to undress so the masseuse could work with them, Dominique hesitated. Jemma looked at her as she removed her own tank top. "What's wrong Nicki?"

Ronnie and Lizzie, who had just joined the group, walked in after them and looked around. Lizzie immediately stripped and climbed under a sheet on one of the tables.

"It's okay," Sam assured her as she, too, began to undress. "You're mostly covered. They just need to have skin-on-skin contact to be able to work the muscles."

Erin copied the others and undressed quickly without much shame, claiming a table and pulling a sheet over her.

Nava opted for a mud bath to start with, this was a treat on Ferenginar. She walked toward the mud baths and once there, took off her clothing and slid into the warm mud and relaxed. This was definitely nice of the Captain.

Ronnie watched the others for a moment, undecided. Then she, too, opted for the mud bath. The idea of slipping into a pool of mud on purpose was different, but she was willing to give it a try.

Kara followed Ronnie. It would be nice to be in hot mud without combat boots. Chuckling at the thought, she undressed and slid into the mud. "Hi," she said to Nava, "I'm Kara. I don't think we've met." Then again, she hadn't met many people outside the Marine deck.

Nava nodded to Kara "I'm Nava, the diplomatic officer aboard the ship." She said as she sank into the warm mud, something she missed from home "What is your position?" She asked

Nia stripped off her clothes before slipping into the mud and closing her eyes, leaning back against the pillows. It felt good to just relax.

Kalyka undressed and put up her long blonde hair before sliding into the pool next to the Ferengi. She heard the young brunette talking to her, so Kalyka stayed quiet until someone gave her an opening.


Sam groaned as the massage therapist began to knead her back. It had been too long and her muscles were complaining. Trying to distract herself, she spoke to Erin. "How are you settling in on the Calypso?" she asked.

Erin had a look of a tortured soul on her face as the massage begin. It was obvious that it was taking all of her willpower to not make up an excuse and run.
''It's great.'' She replied quickly to Sam.

''You've got a professional crew at your command, commander. I don't know why you'd need a counceller amoung them, they all seem so grounded.

That said, I wouldn't swap the ship to work anywhere else.''

Jemma grunted as the masseuse worked with her legs and feet. It had been too long. "Yeah, the Caly is a great ship. She's got a great crew, you should be proud, Cappy."

Sam's chuckle turned into a groan as the therapist began to work on a knot in her lower back. "I know. I have a great ship and a great crew." She paused for a moment. "Erin, there's always an occasional need for a counselor. Part of your job is also to be a sounding board for the commander, and I'm sure I'll be using you in that capacity from time to time."

Erin chuckled in return. ''Whatever the job requires.'' She was about to shrug, but it turned into a wince as the therapist turned attention to her shoulders.

"Whatever the job requires, I'm sure you're more than capable of handling it." The massage therapist pushed deeper into the muscles and Sam fell silent.

Erin nodded her thanks, not prepared to talk as she was sure any more movement and her shoulders would spontainiously combust.
And humans did this for fun? She was'nt sure whether to wait it out or condemn them all to a mental institute.

Kalyka ate a piece of moba fruit and looked to her companions in the mud bath. "So Nava, what made you become a diplomat?"

Nava grinned "I'm not good at engineering or science. But I had an ability to negotiate with difficult people and my father, although he wanted me to stay in the family business, encouraged me to become a diplomat. He taught me that diplomacy is no different than the Rules of Acquisition. Any diplomatic interaction is a business proposition."

Kalyka smiled. "I guess you could look at it like that. You have something they want, they have something you want." She stopped for a moment. "But what made you join Starfleet? I'm sure you could have made a lot working for the Ferengi."

Kira and her staff wandered through the rooms making sure everyone was taken care of.

When everyone had tried out all the amenities they wished to, Kira led them to a large room with a buffet of soups, salads and juices. "Thank you for spending a day in Xanadu. I hope you enjoyed your stay and that you'll return then next time you're on the station."


Commander Samantha York
Commanding Officer
USS Calypso

Kira Martin (NPC)
Proprietess, Xanadu
Starbase Typhon

Ensign Ronnie Lancaster (NPC)
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Calypso

Ensign Elizabeth Jackson (NPC)
USS Calypso

Sergeant Kara Melo (NPC)
Marine Scout
USS Calypso

Lieutenant JG Kalyka Meral
Chief Engineer
USS Calypso

Ensign Nava
Chief Counselor
USS Calypso

Ensign Erin Tal
Chief Counselor
USS Calypso

Chief Petty Officer Nia Williams (NPC)
USS Calypso

Jemma Stadi (NPC)
USS Calypso

Dominique Neveu (NPC)
USS Calypso


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