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Return to Station

Posted on Sun Jun 27th, 2010 @ 3:09am by Commodore Edward Fannin

255 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Starbase Typhon
Timeline: Current


Edward was glad to be back, His absence although short took him away from the station at the most opportune time. His shuttle pilot was cleared and moving the Danube into the main shuttlebay. With the resent activity going on he was glad to be able to keep in touch with the crew.

Fannin was met by Terri, the chief warrant and she wasted no time getting him up to speed on all the issues that had been going on the last few days that see knew of. Commander Tolren had returned just in time and was in a staff meeting. The Marines were about ready to depart and untold secrets and gossip about the stations recent Murders were about. Buy the time Edward reached his quarters he was closed to overwhelmed with data. A good cigar and a glass of brandy would clear the fog away. Terri continued to chatter as he pour a large sniffter in his kitchen...

He held his hand up... "First off take a breath of air , and a drink of this. Then get the word out to the XO that I have returned and will head for the bridge in a few hours."

"Yes sir, Let me know if you need anything." She was out the door and off on her mission in a flash. He slid off his boots and sank into the large chair reaching for a box of his favorite cigars. It was good to be home..


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer Starbase Typhon


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