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Taking Care of Business

Posted on Sun Jun 27th, 2010 @ 6:18am by Commander Raven Adams & Commodore Edward Fannin

605 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder
Location: Admiral Burke's Office
Timeline: Current


Kathryn sat at her desk finishing up the last of the paperwork. There were many parts of being a Vice Admiral that she really disliked. Disciplining Captains chief among them. But there were other times when the scales balanced. This was one of those times.

"Burke to Fannin. Could you come to my office, please?"

Edward hadn't been summoned to the Admirals office yet, But it was bound to happen some day. He's entered the outer office and smiled at Admiral Burkes Assistant. Edward rang the chime...

Kathryn was in the middle of writing a memorandum, but she set it aside when the door chimed. "Come in," she called as she stood.

Fannin was smiling as he entered the office. He snapped up a quick salute. "Reporting as ordered Ma'am."

Kathryn returned the salute. "Come in and sit down, Captain. I have a matter I wish to discuss with you."

Fannin took a seat in the chair and leaned back to get comfortable. He was pretty much in the dark about what this entire meeting was about. Not having the time to check with his staff since he had returned put him in perfect position for a total blindside from the Dcinc.

"I won't ask you how things are going because I know you just got back. And I've been reading the reports. However, there's a problem I need to discuss with you."

Fannin nodded that he understood. "I'll do every thing I can to straighten it out Admiral."

"I've been going through the fleet records. You're the Task Force Commander of Task Force 42. While it is small, it's still a task force. The Task Group COs, for the most part, out-rank you and this is a problem."

"True, but we're all professionals, regardless of rank."

"At least, we try to bed. However, I have decided that this is something we need to correct. I can't have a captain in charge of a task force." She shook her head sadly. "Therefore, I'm going to have to do something about it."

She took out a small box and passed it to Fannin. "It's not quite what I would prefer, but it's a step in the right direction, Commodore."

Fannin was speechless, he took the box and opened to see a Commodore pip. "Well this wasn't exactly what I was expecting when I was told to come up here... Thank you. I really don't know what to say."

"Thank you will suffice," Kathryn said, smiling. "I'm glad I was able to keep it a secret. It's nice when I can give someone a pleasant surprise for a change."

"That certainly surprised me, what is your plans for the task force?"

"Admiral McGinley and I are discussing that. Right now, we want you to take care of solving the murders and getting Tiberius V finished. Then we'll have something for you."

"Aye, Aye Ma'am, I'm going to be short a few Marines very soon. I have word that Fleet has sent us a Battalion from the sixth Marines that were headed for Starbase Ronin. I shall keep you updated on the colonels progress on Exeter if I can beat the press to it."

Kathryn nodded. "I appreciate it. I won't keep you any more, Commodore, I'm sure you have a lot of catching-up to do."

"Very well, if you need anything just let me know, Perhaps I can set up a tour of Tiberius next week. Thanks for everything." Fannin shook the admirals hand and headed for the door.


Commodore Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Vice Admiral Kathryn Burke
Deputy Commander-in-Chief
Theta Fleet


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