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Help in Low Places

Posted on Wed Jul 14th, 2010 @ 11:45pm by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commodore Edward Fannin

301 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Commodore's Ready Room
Timeline: After Warning Order


Wilhelm strode through the Operations Center and to the Captain's Ready Room. Hitting the chime, he walks through and immediately notices the Commodore's new pips. "Congratulations on the promotion Commodore. It was very well deserved." Holding up the note Wilhelm adds, "You wanted to talk about some help we're going to get?"

"Ah, Colonel, yes come in... It seems Admiral Stone our ever sneaky chief of fleet intelligence has already placed a few human assets on the planet Exeter. Ty Seven and a young female named Nikki I believe. They shall be contacting you soon after you arrive and may have some information for you."

"Well that is definately some good news sir. I got some recon holos a couple of days ago but assets on the ground is even better."

"That should even things up a bit to, You know I wish the unit all the luck in the world, The escorts will stay as long as you need them. I hope you don't need them but there your assets to use."

"I actually had a use for them in the battle plan. We'll leave the spaceport open and hopefully drive whatever we don't capture or kill to their ships and the escorts and fighters can handle them."

"With any luck at all you shall be returning to us safely"

"That is definitely the plan sir."

"The Seventh Marines will do fine at Stonebreaker while your gone I suspect there getting a bit of a vacation too."

"Just so long as they don't get too slack sir."

"Good luck Colonel." Fannin held out his hand..

Wilhelm shook hands with Fannin, "Thank you sir. We'll see you when it's over."


Colonel WIlhelm Baron von Hacklberg
CO, 21st Marines
SB Typhon

Com. Edward Fannin
CO, Task Force 42
Star Base Typhon


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