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Hanging out

Posted on Mon Jul 12th, 2010 @ 3:17am by Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Raven Adams

948 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Raven's Quarters

Jana rang the chime outside of Raven's quarters. She was going to hang out with her while her sister went out on a date with Ian. Once the doors parted she entered. "Thanks for having me over this evening." Jana said.

"No problem. I enjoy your company," Raven assured her. Besides, she had no plans for the evening so she was grateful for the company.

"I'm just glad to see Anna dating a little." Jana said. "She needs to be happy. So what do you want to do tonight?" She asked.

"I don't know. We could watch a movie, listen to music... What would you like to do?"

"Either of those works for me. Are you hungry? We could always eat something first." Jana suggested.

"How about pizza?" Raven asked as she walked to the replicator.

"Sounds good. I like mine with pepperoni and hamburger." Jana said.

"One pepperoni and hamburger, one veggie," Raven said, replicating the two pizzas. She set them on the coffee table, then replicated some root beer. "You have to have root beer with pizza," she told Jana.

"What types of movies do you like?" she asked.

"Comedies, sappy, mystery, I'm not really that picky." Jana answered as she moved and sat down at the table.

"Topper. It's an old classic from 20th century Earth," she said, picking the movie from the database. "I think you'll like it." She grabbed some pizza and sat down on the couch as the movie started.

Jana stood and moved from the table to the couch to join Raven since it seemed they were going to eat there but she stopped for a cola on the way. "I don't think I've seen it before." She said as she took a seat.

. "It's about a couple who dies and haunts a man named Topper," Raven said. "As I said, I think you'll like it. Sorry I forgot to mention it, but I'm pretty casual around here. So relax and enjoy."

"Meal time is usually when Anna and I catch up on what happened during the day so we sit at the table to talk." Jana answered before grabbing a slice of pizza.

"Here it's just me. I usually eat at the table, but if I'm going to watch a movie, I'll sit on the couch," Raven answered.

"Works for me." Jana said as she leaned back and waited for the movie to start.

Raven just smiled and sat back to enjoy the movie.

It was one of the early 'screwball comedies' of the mid 20th century. Raven found herself laughing frequently as the story progressed. Finally, the end credits scrolled across the large screen.

Jana smiled, "I liked it. I'll have to tell Anna about it." she said. "So what do we do next? A game maybe?" She asked.

"Sure. What would you like to play?"

"We could play chess or checkers or a game I really like called Monopoly though that one tends to take a really long time. Another I like is Scrabble its a word game."

"I've heard of scrabble. It sounds like fun." Raven went to the replicator and replicated a game of scrabble. She sent it out on the table. "Okay. Tell me how we play."

"We each get a tile holder and set it in front of us so the other can't see what is on it. Then we each pull a tile out the bag the one closest to the letter A goes first. Once you decide that each person takes seven tiles and places them on the holder. The person who goes first has to make a word using as man of the tiles as they can and the word has to start on the star in the middle. The amount you score per letter is written on the tile and can be multiplied by special spaces on the board. You set a goal and the first person to reach that score wins. Oh and each turn has to be played off of an existing word already on the board once the first word is made." Jana said as she opened the box and got out the board that was set to rotate so each player could see the letters right side up.

"Oh, yes," Raven said, smiling. She hadn't played Scrabble since her days in the Academy. They played several games. Jana was pretty good.

"That was fun." Jana said. "I wonder how Anna's date is going."

"Hopefully well," Raven said with a grin. "Did she say how long she'd be? As in, do you need to spend the night?"

"If you don't mind me staying the night I will unless she stops by here to get me." Jana said.

"I don't mind. You can sleep on the couch, or I have a cot I can put up for you. Or if you prefer, you can sleep in the coffin and I'll sleep on the couch."

"I'm not quite that goth." Jana said with a grin, "The couch is fine."

"A coffin is very comfortable," Raven said defensively. She grinned to show she wasn't serious. "The couch it is. Let me get you some blankets and a pillow. It's late enough we should both be getting some sleep."

"Agreed," Jana said, "And I never said it wasn't comfortable it just isn't my style."

Raven chuckled as she watched Jana get settled and turned out the light. "Goodnight, Jana," she said before she, too, turned out the light and climbed into her coffin.

"Sweet dreams." Jana replied then turned to get some sleep.


Jana Johnson
Civilian (NPC'd by Anna Johnson)

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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