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Stories and ideas

Posted on Thu Jul 8th, 2010 @ 2:14pm by Commander Dhindara Vrel & Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Krang Darkmoon

1,247 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder
Location: Security Office
Timeline: before Raven and Dhindara's meeting

[Security Office]

Having taken Dan Gold, her newest patient, over to the security office Dhindara asked an orderly, "Excuse me, is Commander Darkmoon available? I have a few questions for him in relation with the ongoing priority investigation."

"He is actually out with Doctor Hart at the moment, would you like to..." her voice trailed off as she looked at something behind Dhindara. "Ah, Commander Darkmoon. We were just talking about you. Commander Vrel is here to see you."

"Walk with me folks." Krang grumbled as he walked past the desk. "I am having a long day and I really need another cup of coffee."

"Well, I've come for you to run a check on Mister Gold here", Dhindara replied. "It may be connected to the murders you've been seeing."

"Really? How so?" Krang asked as they crossed the threshold into his office. He crossed the office and stood in front of the replicator. "Would either of you like a cup of coffee while I'm here?"

Don nodded. "Yes Sir, I could use a cup."

"I'll take a cup of hot chocolate, please", Dhindara replied. "Tell me, Krang, are you familiar with Jack the Ripper?"

"Any investigator worth their salt knows about that one. One of the most famous unsolved cases of all time. I was actually just doing some reading on it recently. They believe they have him tied to 5 murders in the united states as well. Why do you bring it up?" Krang said, getting the drinks from the replicator.

"Because I have reason to suspect that someone of his species might be on this station", Dhindara replied. "An energy being that lives off of fear." She pointed to her guest. "Check this man against the evidence you have collected, see if anything comes up."

Dan looked at the security chief and panicked, "Sir, I haven't killed anyone. I couldn't hurt a fly, I'm just an Air traffic officer... please doctor tell him I haven't hurt anyone." Dan backed up to the wall with his hands up to protect him, his face was pale and beads of sweat were appearing on his brow. He gave the counselor a pleading look. "I came here to be tested, not accused of any crimes."

Dhindara walked up to him, putting her arm around his shoulders and leading him back to the table. "Don't worry, we're not accusing you", she said. "Remember I explained to you that a non-corporeal entity can take control of a person, then use their body to commit the crimes? The owner of the body is not at fault."

Krang shook his head. "I don't know about all that. I have heard a lot of colorful 'it wasn't me' stories in my day and tend not to believe most of them."

"I've clearly felt another presence, something telepathic", Dhindara said. "I want to find that presence." She smiled at Dan. "Tell him what you told me."

"I would like to tell him Ma'am, but not if it's going to be used against me. I told you because I have patient confidentiality. But I won't bet coerced into incriminating my self."

"It's going to be used to catch that creature", Dhindara replied. "I'm certain we're dealing with one. You personally would not be prosecuted, only questioned."

"I would need immunity, total immunity" He looked at Krang.

Dhindara nodded at Krang. "I'm convinced that he's telling the truth. He's not a telepath himself, even with mental training he wouldn't be able to fool my senses like that. I think you can guarantee him immunity without a problem."

"So let me get this straight Counselor. You bring to me, what is the first solid lead in this case. A suspect in fact. And now you want me to offer immunity before he will even tell me what happened? Is that really how you think this investigation is going to solve itself?"

"I don't understand legal proceedings", Dhindara replied. "All I know is that this man isn't guilty of anything."

"I can't promise immunity, but I will listen with an open mind. That's the best I can offer in this weird situation." Krang answered.

"Several weeks ago I began to have some very real and violent dreams. There was one so real I didn't sleep for several days afterward, I though I was losing my mind and came in and talked to the counselor about them. She gave me a heavy sedative and I was able to catch up a bit on my rest. I believe the counselor thinks I may have been influenced or witness to an event."

Nodding slowly, Krang made a few notes on the PADD he held. "What exactly did you 'see' during this 'event'?" he asked, still not quite sure what to make of this whole thing.

"The dream was a collection of violent incidences, some were very real almost like being on the holodeck. Some seemed to be just sounds, a voice mumbling."

"So you feel like you were witness to the murders?" Krang asked.

"I didn't see anyone killed, but I sure had the feeling, the visual idea that horrible things were being done. Sometimes just sounds, a flash of a picture.. It is hard to explain."

"That is definitely going to be hard to action. I wish you could give me more to go on." Krang answered.

Gold held his head down. "These issues are ripping me apart, The sedatives the counselor gave me are the only relief I've had."

"I was thinking", Dhindara said. "If you can match his whereabouts and his DNA against the evidence you've collected so far. I'd like to see if there is any correlation. I'm forming a theory but I need more information first."

"I'll be more than happy to run the tests. If there is any chance that it would actually help, I will be open to almost anything at this point. This mess has gotten completely out of hand already", Krang said.

"Not quite completely", Dhindara replied. "If what I'm thinking turns out to be correct, there will be a way to deal with it."

"And what is it that you're thinking Commander?" Krang asked, more than a little curious.

"We might be dealing with a non-corporeal entity that takes control of physical bodies, then uses them to kill", Dhindara replied.

"I read something about that while I was in the academy. If that is what we have here, we are in a world of trouble." Krang said growing increasingly unhappy at the prospect.

"Indeed", Dhindara responded. "But it is what I currently think is happening."

"Didn't Kirk just beam it out into space?" Krang asked.

"Well, yes and no", Dhindara replied. "When Kirk did that, it was possessing a human, and he beamed the human out into space as well, killing him. That, of course, is not the optimal solution. I'm going to see if we can trap and kill it without killing whoever was unfortunate enough to be chosen as its vessel at the time."

Krang shrugged. "Well, that was all my ideas." he said and put a stub of a cigar into his mouth.

"I'm going to go talk to Raven, see if intel has anything on the species, and try to come up with a theory", Dhindara replied, turning for the door. "Oh, and go back to carrots. Cigars are nasty."


Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security Officer

Commander Dhindara Vrel

Dan Gold
NPC by Captain Edward Fannin


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