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Surprises Part 2

Posted on Mon Jul 12th, 2010 @ 3:57pm by Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Ian Casey

2,723 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Various
Timeline: While Jana is with Raven

Ian looked at her for a moment and smiled as he said, "Would you like to go for a walk?"

"Sure," Anna said returning the smile.

Ian stood and moved around the table. He extended his hand to her to help her up.

Anna took the offered hand and stood. "Do you want to walk towards the fair?" She asked.

"That's fine with me," he said, gently squeezing her hand and walking down the pier.

[Start Part 2]

There was a gentle ocean breeze blowing across the beach where they stood and the sun had set and stars were starting to come out in the sky.

"I'm enjoying tonight." Anna said, "I'm glad I worked up the nerve to ask you." She leaned over and kissed Ian on his cheek.

Ian felt himself blush as she kissed him. He squeezed her hand again and smiled. "I'm glad you worked up the nerve as well."

"So what do you want to do first when we get to the fair?" Anna asked.

"I honestly don't know," Ian said. "I've never actually been to a fair before."

"There are rides and games, there is a lot of food too but we just ate. Unless we want to find something maybe for dessert." Anna said.

"We'll have to look around and decide on something when we get there," he said to her. "Though I'm not in a hurry to actually get there. I'm enjoying the walk."

"I am too. I don't get to just enjoy quiet and get to know someone that often." Anna said. "You are welcome to use this program anytime." She said. "Though I hope I'm with you when you do."

"It wouldn't be the same coming here without you, Anna," Ian said, releasing her hand and slipping his arm around her waist.

Anna took a deep breath. She liked the touch but wasn't sure if things were moving a bit too fast for her or not. "Glad to know that." She said.

Ian was smiling as they approached the fair. "What would you like to do first?" he asked, removing his arm and turning to survey the area.

"The Ferris Wheel is fun or the roller coaster. There is even a shuttle simulator here." Anna answered with a smile.

"No offense," Ian said to her, "But I'm not a shuttle person. Would you like to try the coaster? That looks interesting."

"That's because you've never done shuttle racing." Anna said with a grin. "The roller coaster is fine." She added.

Ian looked at her and nodded as he led her to the coaster. "I've always wanted to try shuttle racing," he said to her.

"My most exciting time in a shuttle was when I had to go on a mission that involved driving through the asteroid field known as the bad lands." Anna said, "Weaving in and out of asteroids and eddies as you work your way toward the middle then back out again. It was an experience I will never forget."

"It must have been difficult in a shuttle," Ian replied. "They're so clumsy."

"Not if you know how to fly one." Anna said.

"You have to remember," Ian said, "I fly fighters for a living. Nothing compares to a fighter."

"You like what you love to fly and I like what I love to fly doesn't mean one is better exactly except to the person involved." Anna said. "I would never feel comfortable behind the helm of a fighter."

"Have you ever tried it?" Ian asked as he climbed into the seat of the coaster.

"I'm not qualified to fly one. Wouldn't know how to start." Anna said.

"I could set up a time to let you try one of the training programs on the holodeck," he said to her.

"I think I might like that." Anna said, "As much as I enjoy flying shuttles it should be fun."

Ian smiled and started to say something else but was interrupted by the coaster ride. He felt the adrenaline as the car soared over the track and around the corners. When it was over he looked at her and said, "That's the closest thing I've felt to being in a fighter in a long time."

Anna smiled, "Glad you liked it." She said, "You want to go again?" She asked.

"Sounds good to me," Ian said with a nod.

The fun thing about being in the holodeck is you didn't have to wait in line to get on rides. Though it simulated other people there you were always at the front when you wanted to ride and you could stay on the ride as much as you liked. So they were able to stay on the coaster as it started the second round.

"Are you ready to try something else?" he asked, panting slightly from the excitement of the ride.

"I think you need something a little less exciting." Anna said with a smile then led him toward the Ferris Wheel.

"From fighter to shuttle," Ian teased as they walked to the Ferris wheel.

"A Ferris Wheel versus Roller Coaster is not like a Shuttle versus Fighters." Anna said almost offended.

Ian laughed and smiled at her. "I guess that's a matter of opinion." He looked at her again and said, "Perhaps I should have said...from fighter to freighter. Would that be more appropriate?"

"I guess though that might offend a freighter pilot." Anna laughed.

"For a fighter pilot, being assigned to fly a freighter is an insult," Ian said to her.

"I'm sure it would be." Anna said. "Just keep in mind just because its the best to you doesn't mean its best for someone else."

Ian looked at her and nodded. "Do you know where they do the shuttle racing?"

"For the carnival?" Anna asked. "If so there isn't shuttle racing here but I do have a program for that as well."

"I'd like to try it for real," Ian said thoughtfully. "I'll have to look into finding one." He paused and looked around. "What are you in the mood for?"

"I'm sure I could set up something as an event near the starbase. I'd have to run it past Captain Fannin first of course." Anna said, "Have you ever tried a caramel apple?" Anna asked.

"No I haven't," Ian said to her. "I've never even heard of it."

"Come on then." Anna said and led him to a booth that sold all sorts of confectionery treats such as funnel cakes, elephant ears, and cotton candy to name a few.

Ian looked at everything that was available and sighed. "I need to get out more," he said to her.

"Why do you say that?" Anna asked as she took two caramel apples and handed him one.

"I never knew anything like this existed," he said to her, gesturing at the entire complex. "Are there any of these that actually exist?"

"All of them really exist. Funnels cakes are a pastry dough that is cooked in oil and covered in powered sugar, sometimes in fruit and whipped cream as well. It taste kind of like a doughnut. Elephant ears are fried bread covered typically in cinnamon sugar and honey. These are exactly what the sound like, apples covered in caramel, they also have them with a candy based coating. "

"I'll have to add these to the replicator in my quarters," he said, taking a bite of the apple.

"They can be fattening though." Anna said, "At least this one has fruit with it too." She added with a smile.

Ian laughed and continued to eat the apple. "Now what would you like to do?"

"I think its your turn to pick." Anna said. Just ahead of them was an old fashioned paddle boat that you could go out on the water on. It had several decks one of which obviously allowed for dancing.

Ian followed her gaze and nodded. "Come on," he said, leading her to the boat. "Let's go see what they have to offer."

Anna allowed him to lead her onto the boat still eating on her apple. "Its been a long time since I've had this much fun." She said.

"Same here," he said, smiling at her as he walked to the railing to look out at the water.

Anna leaned her head on his shoulder as the boat started to move. "Why did you pick me?" She asked curious.

"You are a beautiful woman and you are a pleasure to spend time with," Ian replied. "What man wouldn't want that?"

"My father for one." Anna said opening up a little of her past.

"What do you mean?" Ian asked, pulling her a little closer.

"I was unexpected. He always blamed me because instead of joining Starfleet he had to get a job as an engineer at a local repair shop. I'm ten years older than my brothers and twelve years older than my sister so he was ready for them I guess. Nothing I did was ever good enough for him or else he viewed it as me thinking I was better than him. He was verbal and physically abusive to me but that was okay because it meant he left my brothers and sisters alone. Though Jana did get some of it once I left he died before he could do a lot of damage to her. That and she had her brothers to protect her." Anna said with a sigh, "That is why I'm so protective of them especially her."

"I'm sorry, Anna," Ian said lamely, unsure what else to say.

"It took me a long time to realize the only person I needed to make happy was me. It also takes me a while to trust people though not as long as it use to." Anna said then looked up at the stars.

Ian looked at her and nodded. "Would you like to go find something entertaining to do?"

"That is why we are here isn't it?" Anna said with a smile.

Ian laughed and grabbed her hand. "Let's go see what they have to offer," he said to her.

Anna let him lead the way. There was a bar, dancing some tables for gambling on the boat. There was also a place on the top deck with chairs for leaning back and looking at the stars.

"Do you want to dance?" Ian asked, leading her closer to the dance floor.

Anna nodded, "I think that would be nice." She said as she moved with him onto the floor a slow dance started to play.

Ian smiled and slipped his arm around her, pulling her close and slowly moving to the music, closing his eyes and sighing softly, enjoying the moment.

Anna leaned her head on his shoulder as they danced and let out a deep sigh. She was loving the attention she was receiving from Ian. She allowed him to lead the dance and followed his movements as they danced.

Unable to resist, Ian gently caressed her back as they moved across the floor. When the song was over, he continued to hold her, not wanting the moment to end.

"This evening has been wonderful." Anna said as she stayed in his arms.

"I would love to do this again, Anna," Ian said, leaning back and looking in her eyes. "Maybe not this program," he added, "but I want to spend more time with you."

"I would like that very much." Anna said with a smile and a twinkle in her eye.

Ian smiled and pulled her close again, holding her. "What do you want to do next?" he asked her.

"I don't know there are lots of things to do if not here the things available both here and on the station are endless." Anna said.

"Well it's your turn to decide," he teased. "Anything you feel like doing is fine with me."

"I'm just enjoying being with you." Anna said. "How about we go up to the top deck and watch the stars. Get to know each other a little better." She suggested.

"That sounds good," Ian said with a nod as he moved for the stairs.

Anna held his hand as they made their way to the top. You could more stars than you could ever hope to count because the boat was well away from the lights of the carnival for now. The music from below drifted up so that it played softly. She looked up, "Its beautiful."

Ian looked at her and said, "I agree."

"We are both talking about the stars right?" Anna asked.

Ian looked at her and then at the stars. "I've always thought the stars were beautiful," he said to her. "That's part of the reason I went into Stellar Cartography." He looked at her again and said, "I wasn't talking about the stars this time though."

Anna blushed a deep red she could feel her face burn. She was glad it was dark currently. "Thank you." She said not sure how else to respond.

"At least you can take a compliment," he said, slipping his arm around her waist as he looked up at the stars.

"It's your opinion I have to accept it for face value." Anna said teasing a bit.

"You're shivering," Ian said, feeling her body trembling slightly and pulling her closer. "Would you like to go back inside?"

"We don't have to unless you just want to." Anna said. "Computer replicate me a light sweater please." A sweater appeared beside her and she moved over and put it on. "See problem solved." Anna said with a smile.

Ian looked at her and laughed. "Where's the fun in that?"

"What did you have in mind then?" She asked.

"I just meant that it was nice holding you," he said to her. "I could have kept you warm."

"You still can if you like." Anna said as she placed her head on his shoulder.

Ian smiled and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. "I could stay here like this all night," he whispered to her.

"It would be nice but unfortunately I have to work tomorrow so I have to sleep eventually." Anna said.

Ian nodded at her. "Are you ready to call it a night?"

"Ready to no but needing to yes." Anna answered.

Ian nodded again and grabbed her hand, leading her back inside and back to the shore, heading for the exit. "When would you like to get together again?"

"Any time we both have the time is fine." Anna said. "I'm sure one of us can think of something else we can do." She added smiling then kissed his cheek. "Thank you for a wonderful evening."

"I truly enjoyed it," Ian said with a smile.

"Me too." Anna said as they walked back to the table she packed up the leftovers so they would be in the basket when they ended the program.

"Let me carry that for you," Ian said, reaching for the basket.

Anna handed him the basket. "I'm glad you didn't have any other plans tonight." Anna said.

Ian looked at her and nodded. "So am I. We'll have to do this again soon."

"Very soon." Anna said. "Computer end program." She said so that the door appeared for them to leave.

"Do you want me to walk you to your door?" Ian asked as they stepped into the corridor.

"I would like that." Anna said with a nod taking his other hand in hers.

Ian squeezed her hand and began walking to the lift. "What would you like to do next time?"

"I don't know do you have any ideas?" Anna asked.

"Not at the moment," Ian replied. "I'm sure we can think of something."

"They had gotten on the lift as they talked and now stood outside of Anna's quarters. "Thanks for walking me home." She said as she took the basket from his hand. "Good night." She added before turning to key the door open.

Ian looked at her then moved closer, leaning in to kiss her.

Anna returned the kiss and hoped she didn't blush as deep red as it felt like her face blushed. "I'll talk to you soon." She said, "Good night."

Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations/Second Officer

Commander Ian Casey
Air Group Commander


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