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Dinner, a Movie and... Breakfast, part 1

Posted on Mon Jul 12th, 2010 @ 8:28pm by Commander Raven Adams & Commander Ian Casey

1,117 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Silent Steps Of Murder


Raven felt bad for the way her trip to the holodeck with Ian ended. She'd turned a fun evening into an awkward, uncomfortable event and she wanted to make amends.

She dressed with care for their dinner date, not knowing quite what to expect. So, instead of her usual black jeans and vest, she'd chosen to wear a 'little black dress' in velvet.

Ian paused in front of Raven's quarters and took a deep breath. He wasn't sure where they were going so he'd dressed in a navy blue polo shirt and khaki pants. He ran his hands through his loose hair and pressed the chime.

Raven walked to the door and pushed the button to open it. She smiled when she saw Ian. "Come in," she said, stepping back.

"Wow," Ian said as she opened the door. "You look amazing." He paused inside the door and looked at her again. "Where would you like to go tonight?"

"No idea," she said, grinning. "I'll leave that up to you. I'm just looking forward to spending the evening with you." She'd spent far too much time that day thinking about Ian. Now that he was here, she had to keep from staring at him and grinning.

"Then let's stroll through the Promenade until we see somewhere that looks like a good place to eat," Ian suggested.

"That sounds great." Raven grabbed a small shoulder bag. "I'm all set." As they stepped out of her quarters she slipped her hand through Ian's arm and smiled at him.

Ian smiled as they stepped into the corridor and moved to the turbolift. "How was your day?"

"Not bad at all. How was yours?"

"I got a new pilot, fresh out of flight school," Ian said, shaking his head. "I swear they forgot how to teach people how to fly."

As a pilot herself, Raven was quite interested. "What problem are you having with him?"

"He doesn't know a barrel-roll from an Immelmann for one," Ian replied. "I'd rather not talk about work, though," he said, looking at her.

They walked into the turbolift and Raven turned to face Ian. "All right. No talk about barrel rolls or inexperienced pilots," she promised. "At least, not for tonight."

Ian looked at her and smiled. "So what do you want to talk about?" he asked her.

Raven tipped her head to one side, her smile growing bigger. "I wouldn't mind talking about you."

Ian felt himself blush and he looked away from her for a moment. "What do you want to know?"

"What do you want to tell me?" Raven countered mischievously.

"I'm not good at talking about myself," he said, still not looking at her. "If there's something specific you want to know, you can ask and I might answer."

"Okay," Raven said, not quite ready to let him off the hook. "What's your favorite food?"

"Anything with pasta in it," he said immediately. "I could eat pasta everyday and never get tired of it. What about you?" he asked.

"Chocolate," Raven replied quickly. "As long as it's good chocolate."

"I love chocolate," Ian said with a smile. "But that's not exactly a main course. What else do you like to eat?"

"I love pasta, too. And soups, salads, chicken... As I said before, I'm not picky -- except when it comes to chocolate."

"Then it's settled," he said with a smile as he looked around to get his bearings. "Come on," he said as he began weaving slowly through the crowd.

Raven hurried after him, trying not to lose him in the crowd.

"Here we are," Ian said, turning to look at her. "One of the pilots said this was the best place to go for good pasta."

"Excellent. I don't think I've seen this place before," she said. "It sounds great."

Ian smiled and led her inside. It had the appearance of an old Italian style restaurant, complete with red and white table cloths. A man met them at the door and led them to a small table. He handed them a couple menus, then turned to return to his station. "What are you in the mood for?"

Raven looked over the menu. "Give me a minute. There are too many things that sound good." She settled on a penne rosa pasta with extra cheese and a white wine.

Ian ordered a simple lasagna and the wine. As the waiter left, Ian looked at Raven and smiled. "What would you like to do after dinner?"

"Maybe we could go for a walk in the arboretum?" Raven suggested.

The waiter brought their wine and some bread. Raven picked up her glass and took a sip.

"That sounds like a good idea," Ian said with a smile. "I like the thought of doing something that doesn't involve a concert for a change."

"To be honest, so do I. I really don't spend all my free time listening to music," she replied, chuckling.

"That reminds me," Ian said, sipping his wine, "we still need to set up a time to go camping."

The waiter arrived just then with their food, so Raven waited until they'd been served to continue. "Yes, we do. Things are slow in Intel right now. Most of the station is focused on the murders. So I'm pretty open right now. So, set up a time that works for you and I'll make it."

Raven was looking forward to the camping trip. It was one of her favorite hobbies and she looked forward to spending more time with Ian.

"I have a mission with the Marines coming up," Ian said to her, "but I should have time to go to the holodeck with you again before then. In fact," he added after taking a bite of his food, "if you want, we can do it tomorrow."

"Tomorrow will be great," she said, taking a bite of her food and smiling. It was quite good. "How long will you be gone?"

"I don't know," Ian admitted. "I'm not even sure when we'll be leaving."

"So, the sooner we go camping the better," She'd been in Starfleet enough to know what it was like to 'hurry up and wait.' "In that case, whenever you want to head out is fine with me."

Ian looked at her and smiled. "I'm always up for camping. I've actually considered taking a little vacation and finding some mountains on a nearby planet." He ate a little more of the food and said, "If you don't want to wait we could go tonight."

(To be continued...)

Commander Ian Casey
Air Group Commander
Starbase Typhon

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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