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Love Is In The Air, part 1

Posted on Sat Jul 17th, 2010 @ 4:01am by Commander Raven Adams & Commander Ian Casey

1,070 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Holodeck 3
Timeline: Current


Raven didn't have anything scheduled for the afternoon, so it was no problem for her to dismiss all but one of her officers and take the rest of the day off. It gave her enough time to go back to her quarters and change for the camping trip.

Not sure what to expect, she chose a pair of faded black jeans and a black tank top. She added a deep red flannel shirt, just in case.

Smiling in anticipation of the evening ahead, she headed for the holodeck to meet Ian.

Ian saw Raven approach and smiled at her. "Glad you made it. I was worried you may have been too busy."

"Fortunately I was able to give most of the department the afternoon off, so I'm all yours until tomorrow," Raven replied cheerfully.

"I like the sound of that," Ian said with a wink as he moved to the entrance and stepped inside. They were standing on a wooded trail that led up a gentle slope. Mountains could be seen in the far distance. A light breeze moved through the trees while various types of small animals could be heard moving through the underbrush.

"This is perfect!" Raven said as she stepped inside and had a good look around. "What do you want to do first?"

"Anything you feel like doing," he said to her. "There's a lake up ahead and there's a trail around it that leads up into the mountains and some spectacular views."

"A hike, then the lake, then we'll see where we go from there," Raven said, her eyes shining. "Do we have backpacks, or just call for something as we need it?"

Ian smiled and moved to a nearby bush. He pushed it aside to reveal a pair of backpacks. "Everything we need should be in these. If there's anything else then we'll just have to make due without it. I wanted it to be as real as possible."

Raven hugged him and put on her backpack. "Great. Let's see how long it takes us to hike to the lake."

Ian nodded and put his own backpack on before moving up the trail.

It took an hour to get to the lake. They talked a bit, but spent most of their time in companionable silence as they concentrated on the trail and the scenery around them.

Finally, they reached the lake. Raven had to stop and admire the view when the lake first appeared through the trees. "It looks like a perfect place to go swimming."

Ian looked at the lake and nodded. "That water's cold. It's invigorating." He paused and looked at her for a moment. "Next time we'll have to bring some swimwear so we can try it."

"I'm from Betazed, remember?" Raven said, grinning. She slipped off her backpack and checked the water. The lake had a small ledge -- about five feet out, then plunged down beyond where she could see. It looked perfect for swimming. She walked back to her backpack and stripped off her clothes. "I never use a swimming suit if I can help it." With that she waded to the edge of the ledge and dove into the lake.

She surfaced ten feet farther out. "You're right. It's a little chilly, but not bad after the first shock."

Ian had watched the entire incident with surprise and mild amusement. He really had no reason to complain as he watched her move to the water and jump in. He looked at her for a moment then shrugged off his backpack and removed his clothes. Feeling a little self-conscious, he hurried to the water and jumped in. "You're right," he said when he came to the surface, "this feels good."

"I use a swim suit in crowds, but there's nothing like the freedom of swimming nude," she said with a grin. She dove back under the water and swam out into the middle of the lake before surfacing again and striking out for the far shore.

Ian watched her swim and couldn't help but admire her form. He was smiling as he dove under the water again and began swimming after her.

Raven found a ledge on the far side as well and pulled herself up to sit for a few minutes and catch her breath. She looked for Ian, but couldn't see him. He'd probably dived under the water as she had -- which meant she should see him momentarily.

Ian swam to the edge and smiled slightly as he saw her sitting on the ledge. He reached out to tickle her foot as he came up and leaned on the ledge beside her.

Raven felt his presence just before he surfaced. He still made her jump. "I love this place!" she said, smiling down at him. She reached out a hand and caressed his cheek. "Thank you."

Ian smiled and moved closer to her, resting his arm on her leg. "We'll have to find something like this on a nearby planet," he said, looking at the view.

"That sounds like fun. We can take a few days and really explore," she said. She looked around, enjoying the setting as much as the company.

Ian pulled himself up onto the ledge and sat beside Raven and looked out over the water. "It may be difficult to find a place like this though."

"True." She looked over at him, "We can always come back here, though. I'm sure there's a lot of places to explore in this program."

"Yes, there is," Ian replied, looking at the lake then at her. He smiled then leaned in and kissed her.

When the kiss ended, Raven cupped his cheek with her hand. "That was nice," she said, smiling softly.

Ian looked at her and nodded. "Are you ready to go back or do you want to stay here for a while?"

She ran her hand down his neck to his shoulder. "I want to stay here for a while."

Ian nodded and leaned in to kiss her again, reaching up to cup her cheek.

Her hand crept to the back of his neck as she kissed him back.

Ian slowly caressed her face as he leaned in further, gently forcing her back on the ledge as he continued to kiss her.

(To be continued...)

Commander Ian Casey
Air Group Commander
Starbase Typhon

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Office
rStarbase Typhon


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