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Meeting with Fleet Build Staff

Posted on Sun Dec 13th, 2009 @ 11:25pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

398 words; about a 2 minute read



Edward was leaving the Control room headed for the ready room, He stopped and Told deck Security Officer Glenn not to be concerned if he heard loud voices from the Ready Room....

Yeoman James was standing in front of the door, "Their all yours Sir, yell if you need help." She actually smiled as Fannin entered the room and began to meet each of the Ten architects and Engineers that had built the Typhon.

The introduction out of the way, Ed sat in the Captains chair and started his somewhat prepared statement.

"I would like to thank you all for the warm welcome to this magnificent vessel. It is my honor to be her first Commander. Over the next few weeks your mission here will end and you will be returning to your homes and Families. I cannot express my gratitude for your amazing efforts here. Now for some good news, All workers and technicians completed with the exterior of the Typhon are effectively released as of now. My engineering staff reports the exterior hull is intact and running at 100%. Well done.

As the Typhon welcomes the assigned department heads the remainder of you in those departments will be staying until those departments are signed off by the department hog and myself. If you have any questions please feel free to get with Yeoman James and schedule an appointment. I'll be touring the vessel over the next few weeks and may have a few questions for you. Please be patient with me as this my first command of this nature. I shall do everything in my power to get you on your way as soon as possible. Thank you for meeting with me today as I'm sure your very busy."

Edward turned and left the ready room. His audience sat stunned, how did that happen? They didn't get a chance to ask any questions... they shook there heads and scratched. The general statement seemed to be Thanks and get back to work.

James was grinning from ear to ear as he left the room. "Sir the rear-Admiral is seven hours out. Deck 23 is ready for their arrival. They sent us a message stating they will need a few Security officers to help with equipment as they arrive."

"Very good Terri, lets get back to the Pit and get things rolling."


Captain Edward Fannin
CO, USB Typhon


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