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Tea Time

Posted on Sat Aug 7th, 2010 @ 3:17am by Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Raven Adams

1,158 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Oriental Tea Room

Aeshia smiled, as she prepared for the morning people to start trickling in. Morning was a slow time of the day, as it was normal for people to prefer much more potent awakening assistant products, than tea.

The last of the people from Gamma shift were trickling out now, and she stared into the pot of tea.

I see a great clash of titans ahead. She thought to herself. That's odd.

She poured herself a cup of left-over tea. Earl Grey was not her preferred, but she decided to drink it anyways.

Raven walked into the shop on her way to Intel. It was time she made an appearance even though she didn't feel ready to deal with people. She thought the tea shop might give her a little extra fortification to get through the day.

She found an empty table and sat down.

Anna was in need of a place she knew she would be welcomed. She made her way to the tea room before her shift. When she arrived she too paused a moment and in the nearly empty restaurant she spotted 'public enemy number one' at least for her. Not wishing to get banned from the tea room Anna turned to leave deciding to come back at lunch time.

Aeshia had been moving towards Raven's table, when she spotted Anna. "Anna lady! Plenty of tables available! You come and have tea. It will be good!"

"I don't want to offend you Miss Aeshia but it might be best if I come back a little later." Anna said in Japanese.

"Nonsense. You stay. You have Tea. It will be good!" Aeshia said, shaking her head. "You not be a bother here."

Raven heard Anna come in. She didn't look at her. She wasn't up to any 'heart-to-heart' talks. She didn't want to share her feelings. It was a big enough establishment for them to both be here and not have to talk to each other. Anna was obviously uncomfortable being in the same room with Raven. Raven wasn't going to make it worse.

Anna let out a sigh and took a seat. "I'll have a cup of Earl Grey and whatever of your sweets you recommend this morning." Anna said softly.

Aeshia nodded. "What about you, Raven lady?" Aeshia asked.

"Irish coffee," she said, looking only at Aeshia.

Anna pulled a PADD off her belt and started scanning through the list of supplies that had come in and where they needed to go today. She also worked on who she wanted to put over each project as well as checking for any new ships that may have docked in the night. She did not make eye contact with Raven and wouldn't unless Raven spoke first after their last encounter.

Raven drank her coffee in silence, wishing she'd just gone to her office early and avoided running into other people. She wasn't ready for this. Raven finished her coffee and smiled at Aeshia. "Thank you," she said as she paid her bill. She nodded politely to Anna and left.

Anna watched her go. Her eyes teared up slight but she held back any real tears and cleared her throat. She took a little longer sipping on her tea and slowly eating what Aeshia had brought her.

Aeshia observed this altercation, carefully. "Anna lady, are you alright?" She asked, once Raven was out of earshot.

"At this point even I don't know if I'm alright. Two weeks ago Raven and I were friends. In the last few days we found out that we were both dating the same person and he had led both of us to believe he was only dating us. It all came out at a dinner I had to celebrate my birthday a little late." Anna said, "I want to forgive him, I love him, but she's angry because he was more concerned for me than her when everything came out." Anna sighed and stared into her cup, "Now he's of the Starbase with the marines and I'm left here to think about things and I just don't know what to do."

"Wise saying, mother told me. Boys come and go. Best friends should always come first. Perhaps someone else needs to talk with Raven." Aeshia said with a nod. "Though I don't envy her, if she goes to Dhindara lady. She mean."

"She won't talk. We didn't know each other well enough to be best friends yet. She is closer to my sister Jana." Anna answered. "Dhindara is a good counselor and friend once you get to know her Miss Aeshia."

Aeshia shook her head. "Mean lady." She re-iterated. "Regardless, you need to give her time. You need to give her space. Let her come to you, when she is ready. Otherwise, if you push too hard, you will push her away, and she will hate you."

"Raven isn't mean." Anna said, "She is hurt, there is a big difference." then she realized what Aeshia meant, "Or were you calling Dhindara mean?"

"You get things, eventually." Aeshia said, shaking her head. "So will Raven. Give her time."

"I know its just hard to see her hurting so much." Anna said.

"Everyone needs hurt sometimes. Reminds you that you are still alive. I'd give you fortune cookie, but I've already given you enough fortune cookie lines. Have sugar cookie." Aeshia said, shaking her head. "You are running out of allotted fortune cookie lines."

Anna smiled, "So you are only allowed so many fortune cookie lines a week?" she asked.

"It is not easy, you know!" Aeshia exclaimed. "Not every Asian person has an unlimited source of this stuff!"

Aeshia giggled away, as she brought Anna some sugar cookies.

"I love your sugar cookies anyway." Anna said, "I want to take some with me for later too."

Aeshia nodded. "This can be arranged."

"Thank you." Anna said. "Not just for the cookies but for giving me someone to talk to."

"Everyone needs a good bartender." Aeshia said with a laugh. "It is ancient skill of trade."

"I see you more as a friend." Anna said.

Aeshia smiled. "Everyone tells that too the bartender."

"No usually for me a bartender is just a bartender though I do find I usually seek out the same one." Anna smiled.

Aeshia nodded. "Not all bartenders are required to be selling their patients alcohol."

"Most people view them that way though." Anna said.

Aeshia nodded. "Your cookies are ready." She said, as she left a small basket on the table. "I hope things work out with you, and Raven lady."

"Thanks again Aeshia." Anna said picking up the basket. "How much do I owe you?"

"On the house." Aeshia said with a smile. "Enjoy."

"Thank you again." Anna said, "I'd best be getting to work." She added.

Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations/Second Officer

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intel Officer

Aeshia Dew
Tea Lady/Bartender?


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