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A Night at the Opera, part 1

Posted on Wed Jul 21st, 2010 @ 7:03am by Commander Raven Adams & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

1,298 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: various
Timeline: Current


Miral was nervous. She didn't want to think about why she was nervous. Thinking about it would make her more nervous.

Instead, she took time to dress in a long Romulan gown of soft green silken fabric shot through with silver. To give herself confidence, she used a few drops of her favorite perfume. She never used it for official functions as she felt it interfered with the business at hand. But tonight, she wore it as a shield.

When she was dressed, she took a small dagger and placed it in its sheath between her breasts. A place no one dared search. She didn't think Khiy would try anything, but she could never trust being in public alone and unguarded. There were far too many people, even here, who took offense at her being a Romulan.

Finally ready, she secured her quarters and headed for the meeting place.


Khiy smiled as he could see his reflection in the well-polished shoes sitting in their box. He pulled them out and put them on his feet, tugging tightly on the laces before admiring them once more from a distance. Satisfied, he stood from the corner of his bed and walked a few steps to test the fit.

His outfit, now complete, was looked over in the large mirror opposite his room. The tuxedo hung off his frame the way he liked, tight around his chest and a long sweeping tail. With a quick nod to himself he loosened his left cuff link before moving away.

He only had to walk a few paces from the mirror to find himself standing by his bedside table. Opening the drawer, he pulled out a small item he never went anywhere without. The small sheath containing a push dagger was securely fastened around his wrist with only two straps. He pulled out the small three inch tipped blade with his right hand to test the fitting before returning it. With a smile on his face, he tightened up the cufflink and walked out of his quarters.


After a number of minutes spent navigating through the station's corridors he finally arrived at his destination.

The theater was new to the station, having only opened up a week earlier. The solid marble entrance gleamed almost blindingly in the high polish finish as the many lights shone off its surface. The floors were solid mahogany wood inlaid with intricate designs throughout the entrance.

From Khiy's understanding, the theater had been selling out it's shows every night for a crowd of about 2500 and it was likely to continue doing so for quite some time judging by the lineup of talent that was already booked. There was no shortage of profile talent from a wide range of races that wanted to be involved with the expanding tourism base of the Typhon sector...that, and the ridiculous ticket prices they could charge.

Khiy was happy to note that the guests entering the theater were, like him, dressed in their best clothes for the occasion. Bight colours were mixed with the jet-black suits as both men and women of a variety of races quietly funneled into the theater.

He was looking at the different adornments and hairstyles of the people going in when he caught a quick glimpse of Miral walking towards him. His eyes went a little wide at the site of her. Her dress, definitely a Rihannsu design, fit perfectly on her, accentuating the curves of her body. More though then the dress she wore, was how she wore it, confidently. In every way she was stunning.

Khiy stepped forward out of the crowd and approached her with a broad smile. "Good evening Miral. You look..." He stopped himself short of the remark he had in mind "like you are no stranger to attending opera's."

Miral was caught by the magnificence of the theatre. It looked like something out of a royal palace. She wasn't sure if she were captivated by its beauty of amazed at it cost. Then she saw Khiy and everything else seemed to pale into insignificance. The way he looked in a tuxedo took her breath away. She'd never had that reaction to another person before. It both fascinated and concerned her. She was drawn to the man and wasn't sure she could trust him.

Miral quickly masked her thoughts as he approached her. "Hello, Khiy," she said with a warm smile. "You look..." She almost told him. That was not good. "like you belong in this setting.' She had a most disconcerting desire to touch him. "I may look like I've been to the opera before but I must rely on you to keep me from putting a foot wrong."

"I'll be sure to keep an eye on you." Considering the way she looked, his word wouldn't be difficult to fulfill. "Shall we?" He stood to her side and offered his arm.

Miral slipped her hand through his arm and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I'll hold you to that," she said with a smile. Khiy was being gallant. Another side she hadn't seen before. She was fascinated to see what the evening held.

The two walked inside the theater amongst the large crowd of other guests, stopping only briefly to validate the tickets.

Instead of following the majority of the other guests into auditorium, Khiy and Miral were led up a set of stairs to the second floor. They moved down the walkway passing a number of rooms curtained off from sight until they arrived at their destination, a box seat on the second tier. With a nod, their guide left them behind.

Khiy pulled back the curtain enough for Miral to enter in "After you."

Miral had expected to be seated somewhere down below with all the others, but as she walked through the curtain and saw the view of the theatre and the stage she paused, struck by the site before her. The theatre was almost as magnificent as the lobby. A huge chandelier hung from the ceiling, twinkling in the artificial lighting.

There were several seats in the box and she turned to Khiy so he could indicate which seats he preferred.

Khiy smiled as he led her to the seats. Usually he preferred to sit near the back in any given situation so that he could keep an eye on everything and be in a good position to make a quick escape, should the occasion call for it. Tonight, though, he felt he would try shedding his normal behaviour. He picked the second row of seats out of four and sat near the end. The first row just felt pretentious to Khiy.

He smiled and looked at Miral "It's nice to be ahead of the rush. Usually I make a habit of being 'fashionably late'." He wasn't accustomed to standing out.

"Fashionably late?" She thought for a moment. "Oh, yes." She smiled now that she'd placed the term. "I couldn't say. I've only ever been to diplomatic and military functions. This is... very different." Her smile softened as she looked at Khiy. "I'm glad you're here with me."

"Likewise." He allowed a shy smile. The moment was very brief as he suddenly considered what he was doing. He forced the smile away and turned his head so that his eyes fixed themselves on the brilliant chandelier instead.

"I appologise for the seats actually. The second tier balconies are where the dignitaries and VIP's usually sit. I don't mean to forget your position." He made an effort to keep his eyes fixated on the lights. He was finding the task more difficult then he had imagined.

(To be continued...)

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Trans Galactic Trading
Starbase Typhon

Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi (NPC)
Romulan Ambassador
Starbase Typhon


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