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Damron City

Posted on Sun Jul 18th, 2010 @ 9:20pm by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Raven Adams

673 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Tiberious V
Timeline: Current


The Danube stopped and hailed the Damron frequency before entering Morgan's sacred airspace... A definite precaution to avoid being shot out of the sky.... The pilot made all the necessary requests and was waiting for a response. Fannin sat calmly.

Morgan sat in her office overlooking the city center. She was pleased with the speed with which the city was filling with people. A light flashed on her computer. A Federation shuttle was about to land. Captain Fannin. Fannin? What was he doing in Damron City? She got up from her desk and walked to her person transporter. She needed to meet the shuttle and see what Fannin was after.

After clearance was granted the shuttle landed, what a beautiful place. Edward was very impressed. He stepped from the landing ramp to seek out Morgan if she was available.

"Commodore Fannin," Morgan gushed, kissing him on the cheek. "How delightful to see you again."

"Yes, good to see you too, I hope that I didn't cause a interruption by stopping by today. I was down here on the planet and just saying hello."

"What could you be interrupting? Damron City is a peaceful place." She gave him a stern look. "We like it that way."

"It sure seems tranquil here, Have you had any interesting issues since you've been here?"

"No. No cities crashing down on top of us. No riots." She gave him a benign smile. "No murders."

"Grand, then your utopia is turning out well then. I was sure under your leadership things would turn out well for your people here."

Morgan gave him a saccharine-sweet smile. "Of course, Commodore. I've spent years learning how to run a galactic empire. Running a city is much the same. It's not hard when you have good people under you." She gave him an arch look. "You should know that, as Commander of a starbase."

"So true. I have been lucky to have the crew that was assigned to the station, I wish I had more of them. If I had the resources I would hire a few. I know your in need of very little here, but if you do need something you can always call us."

"That's most kind of you. Thank you," Morgan said, smiling benignly.

"Well I suppose you have much to do , I'll be planetside for a few days catching up on things. It was good to see you Morgan."

Morgan smiled politely. Then the diplomat in her forced her to speak. "You're welcome to join me for dinner tonight, if you like."

"As much as would love too enjoy your hospitality I must decline, however I plan on taking a few days off very soon and would love an invitation to stay a bit longer."

"You're welcome any time, Commodore," she said with a bright smile. "Let us know when you're coming and we'll prepare a room for you." Not too close to where she herself stayed, but something that was nice enough. She had nothing against the man. He was nice enough, she just wondered if he was looking for something in particular.

"Thank you very much, I'll start making some plans tonight." Ed held out his hand, "I'll send word soon. My stay will actually be of an unofficial nature. I need a few days off really...."

Morgan shook his hand and smiled. "I look forward to it." She made a mental note to have a number of other visitors in Damron City at the same time. She wanted to make sure the Commodore was kept sufficiently busy to keep him from causing her any trouble.

"Good then, I'll get word to you on my return." Fannin headed for the Danube waving as we reach ed the door and entering.

Morgan watched him go with a smile that quickly faded once he was out of site. With a sigh of relief she turned and went back to her office.


Com. Edward Fanning
CO. Task Force 42, SB Typhon

Morgan Damron (NPC)
Damron Group


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